Milk is a baby's first prebiotic and a major function of mother's milk is to prevent adult gut bacteria from inflaming a newborn's gut, before the gut is sealed up and a new immune system is developed. Formula companies scurry to get parents hooked on their expensive substitutes that promise ease of use and nutritional equivalence, but the sad truth is that these artificial milk substitutes undermine baby gut flora with tragic results. Even in the rare cases where mothers are not able to breastfeed their babies, there is a safe alternative, donor milk banks. This post is a plea for new parents to wise up and smell the poop. You may need to tell hospital staff that you will be checking diapers and taking names to make sure that your baby only gets your breast milk.
Background: Up Close and Personal Birth and Breastfeeding
First Flora
Breast milk is nutritive for the newborn, but it also establishes the baby's gut flora. It is the quality of the gut flora, which species of bacteria, that determines if a newborn will thrive or die. If the baby is delivered by Caesarian, then her first gut flora will resemble the nursery staff. If she forces her way out the old fashioned way, her first flora will resemble her mother's vaginal flora. Interestingly, as birth approaches, the mother's vaginal flora shifts toward that found in fermented dairy products, i.e. dairy probiotics. As soon as milk starts to reach the mother's nipples prior to birth, it is colonized by lactic acid bacteria, the only bacteria that can survive in the harsh milk environment. Thus, breast milk is the source of both food and flora, and it is not surprising that breastfed baby poop looks and smells like curds and whey.
Breast Milk Kills Adult Gut Flora
I used to enjoy watching the student perplexity when E. coli in lab experiments progressively died in contact with raw milk. All of the ingredients in milk conspire against normal adult gut bacteria to withhold essential vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. The baby' stomach enzymes also convert milk proteins into antimicrobial peptides, e.g. lactoferrin into lactoferricin (FKCRRWQWRMKKLGAPSITCVRRAF, note the heparin-binding domains consisting of basic amino acids, K & R.) Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs, bifidus factor) are abundant in breast milk and block the attachment of pathogens to the lining of the gut to prevent infection. At the same time, milk hormones seal the intestines to prevent leakiness.
Formula Kills Pathogens with Inflammation
Formula provides macronutrients for rapid weight gain (obesity risk), but lacks the protective components of breast milk. The result is a rapid and irreversible shift to dominant adult gut flora and the fecal smell of E. coli. It is not surprising that the use of formula in under developed countries results in a high rate of infant mortality. It is, however, surprising that the gut inflammation caused by formula provides enough protection to permit its use in countries with high hygiene and good water quality.
Hospital Use of Formula and Bovine Products Increases Infant Mortality
Full term babies are pretty tough and have been known to survive major calamities in addition to formula-induced inflammation. Tiny preterm newborns are a different story and their immature GI tracts are fragile. Unfortunately, the first line of defense for the newborn gut, newborn gut flora, is frequently ignored in neonatal intensive care nurseries, and a major killer of preterm newborns is necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), in which bacteria common to adults overruns the immature gut. NEC is dramatically reduced by using only breast milk, but hospital nurseries change slowly and doctors, staff and parents are unaware that formula and cow's milk products put newborns at increased risk.
Night Nurses Would Rather Feed Formula
Recent studies show that newborns designated as "breast milk only" are still given bottles of formula, because night nurses don't understand the risks of formula and enjoy feeding the babies. The mothers are not usually told that their baby received formula and inexperienced mothers fail to recognize why their baby never had normal bowel movements. Some hospitals continue to use bovine, cow milk, products simply because they always have and they are unaware of the damage to newborn gut flora and the cause of NEC.
Donor Milk Banks
Some mothers produce more milk than their baby needs and so they arrange to donate the extra to milk banks. The milk banks pasteurize and distribute the milk. Many hospitals are unfamiliar with milk banks and donations have not been energetically encouraged, so both the supply and demand for donor milk are developing. It is important to realize that newborn and premature babies have very small stomachs of only a few ounces, and some mothers can easily produce a cup of milk at each feeding. Thus, the cost of using only breast milk by all babies for their first few days after birth is negligible compared to the risk of disease caused by formula use.
Demand at Least Second Best
The bottom line is that parents must demand that only breast milk be used in hospitals, even if it must be from milk banks, and all parents must be able to check diapers for the yogurty smell typical of exclusively breastfed babies.
For more information see the Human Milk Banking Association of North America
For more information see the Human Milk Banking Association of North America
Thank you very much for this latest post. It relates to my attempts at researching my post menopausal chronic UTIs. Doctors insist all women in my position can do is use hormone replacement - at least as a cream - and they say the cream "tends to work," and isn't really a health risk.
But, I wonder why if the vaginal flora is lacking lactobacillus bacteria to fight the e-coli, why not simply put some there? Any thoughts on that, on putting some kefir on a tampon and inserting it for fifteen minutes?
Thanks in advance. There has to be a simpler solution that hormone replacement.
Thanks Art, will share this immediately on Facebook. Cannot be repeated often enough : if at all possible avoid a Cesarean and if not, could the doctor please do something indecent and get some mucus from mom's vagina, and secondly, there is no viable substitute for mother's milk
Thanks, Raj. I should have formed my comment in a way other than asking for "medical advice." Thanks for you response :)
Great post as usual.
For those fed formula only, does eating fermented foods and taking probiotics ever help to recreate what was missed by growing up on formula? Or is it a lost cause?
Wouldn't pasteurization of milk bank donations kill the micro - flora?
Better than a "donor bank" is to create a direct relationship with a milk donor. HM4HB on Facebook is one place to find such connections.
Sally, I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn't raw cow's milk be better than pasteurized human milk?
There have been anecdotes of women who couldn't breastfeed and whose babies were failing to thrive on commercial formulas but started doing well after switching to a raw cow's milk "formula."
12 years ago I was a nurse at the Maternity hospital, so I knew and taught everything there was about breast feeding. I had my new born baby and I was very worried because I thought the baby wasn't getting many sleep. I went to look for answers about it in the internet and I made the most amazing discovery of my life: I KNEW NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT BREAST FEEDING!
I found a site, made by a female doctor, that explained all about baby sleep and BREAST FEEDING!
The hospital where I worked was so wrong in all their procedures and knowledge in the matter.
It changed all my professional and personal life! The way I raised my family was different from then on.
And now, in this site, I am experimenting a new discovery again! I work in a Heallth Center and I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HEALTH NOR NUTRITION!
So I am making new changes in my life and family's :-)
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge
Sorry if I offend the sensitive souls but the tampon/yogurt remedy is a no brainer. I have used a 20ml syringe (but the old turkey baster will do)for post anti-biotic candida growth to good effect. The tampon then goes in to keep everything in place to do its magic.
Thought you might find this interesting, Dr. Ayers. I paid close attention to your pro-breast milk posts when we were living in that reality a short time ago.
I love to read all the articles you've posted Doc and I've learned from you today! Thank you.
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nice blog post as usual to get right for helps mother to understand well for their infant baby.thanx for sharing with us.
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Hi Dr. Ayers,
You have enhanced my understanding of SO MANY health issues, may I be so bold as to link this article to you and your readership.... the link came from MDA site.
Thank you for caring enough to inform us.
Nice post!
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