Anti-Inflammatory Diet

All health care starts with diet. My recommendations for a healthy diet are here:
Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle.
There are over 190 articles on diet, inflammation and disease on this blog
(find topics using search [upper left] or index [lower right]), and
more articles by Prof. Ayers on Suite101 .

Monday, September 1, 2008

Anti-inflammatory Diet

Components of an Anti-inflammatory Diet (focus on meats, fish, eggs and leafy vegetables)
Note:  All food is unhealthy without gut bacteria adapted to the food.  See other posts on repair of gut flora.
  • Low starch and other simple sugars -- insulin and high blood glucose are inflammatory; so use complex polysaccharides (not starch); starch only in small portions (1/2 banana or one side of a hamburger bun) and preferably in unprocessed, less available forms, e.g. coarse ground or fat coated -- bread with butter; less than 30 gm in any meal, less is healthier, grains are frequently a problem -- gluten intolerance
  • No high fructose corn syrup -- high free fructose (in contrast to sucrose) is inflammatory and contributes to crosslinking of collagen fibers, which means prematurely aged skin; sucrose is much better than alternative sweeteners
  • High ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats -- most vegetable oils (olive oil is the exception) are very high in omega-6 fats and are inflammatory and should be avoided; omega-3 fats from fish oil cannot have their full anti-inflammatory impact in the presence of vegetable oils; omega-3 supplements are needed to overcome existing inflammation -- take with saturated fats
  • No trans fats -- all are inflammatory
  • Probiotics and prebiotics -- the bacteria in your gut are vitally important in reducing inflammation; most of the bacteria that initially colonize breastfed babies and are also present in fermented products seem to be helpful; formula quickly converts baby gut bacteria to inflammatory species and should be avoided completely for as long as possible to permit the baby’s immune system to mature (at least 6 months exclusive breastfeeding.)
  • Saturated fats are healthy and reduce the peroxidation of omega-3 fatty acids at sites of local  inflammation, e.g. fatty liver.  Saturated fats should be the major source of dietary calories.
  • Vegetable antioxidants -- vegetables and fruits, along with coffee and chocolate supply very useful, anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants
  • Sensible daily supplements: 1,000 mg vitamin C; 2,000-5,000 i.u vitamin D3 (to produce serum levels of 60ng/ml); 750 mg glucosamine
  • Associated anti-inflammatory lifestyle components:
exercise (cardiovascular and muscle building),
minimizing body fat,
dental hygiene
vagal nerve stimulation


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EJ said...

Dr. Ayers,

I'm eager to give your anti-inflammatory diet a try, except I'm a vegetarian (no fish, no eggs). Is there a suitable non-inflammatory alternative to the fish and eggs highlighted in your diet?

Marybeth said...

Hi Dr. Ayers,
What do you think about Loren Cordain's correlation between egg whites and autoimmune diseases?

David Kleman said...
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David Kleman said...

Hi Dr Art

Thanks for a great blog post. Going to try some changes to my diet based on your advice. I have already cut out dairy and grains from meals, but not yet from breakfast.

Regarding excess Iron - what do you think about elimination through regular blood donations?
Credit to Tim Ferriss for the idea.

Regards from Stockholm

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayers,
May I please ask what specific foods you typically eat daily or weekly? Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

BBC article: Diet "Can Reverse Kidney Failure" in mice with diabetes

Antonio said...


What lead you to believe removing grains and legumes from your diet would help your AA.
My daughter developed GERD(suspected of being autoimmune disease), the AA and lately Narcolepsy(is autoimmune as of 2009). Its strange the way the autoimmune disease works. Symptoms of her GERD disappeared when she developed AA, and symptoms of AA disappeared when she developed Narcolepsy. After reading many forums and anecdotal information, I suspect gluten sensitivity or intolerance in my daughter as well.

Anonymous said...

Please help.

Hi Dr. Ayers,

Thank you. Your blog is extremely interesting and I think it led me to a major discovery explaining many of my diseases. The only thing missing now is the more detailed information because it's hard to figure out what's good or not. Here are my questions :
1. "simple" sugars : when we make an exception in the diet (treat), which sugars are o.k. (and the best) between honey, mpale syrup, biological whole sugar cane and fructose (my jam is sugared with "concentrated grape juice")?
2. Which are the best prebiotics?
3. what do you think of flax seed oil?
4. The most confusing part is "use complex polysaccharides, not starch. What is the list of polysaccharides and what is the list of starch? What do I have to check : the glycemic index, the glycemic load, the carbohydrates amount or the insulin index? How much "complex polysaccharides" should we eat at each meal?

Thank you very very much,

Julie Venne, Québec

scott710 said...

The header of your Cooling Inflammation blog is consistant with my Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor's statement. This principle is used when treating cancer with cooling herbs.

Doug Wishart said...

Dr Ayers,

Sorry for the super late comment but you mention both healthy gut flora and good dental hygiene are important.

What's your stance on antibacterial mouthwash?
As far as I'm aware they can be damaging to your gut flora right?

Anonymous said...

Dr. A,

I see you list coffee as anti-inflammatory. However, coffee throws my intestines into a "dumping" frenzy for a few hours after ingesting it, and I'm also hungrier on days I drink coffee in the morning. Could I be allergic to the coffee bean? I have the same problem with chocolate. Both coffee and chocolate can have me running to the restroom within minutes!

Gabriel said...

Are sweet potatoes ok or too much starch? Thanks.

WhoopingCraneLover said...

After a childhood and teen and young adult years on many antibiotics for recurrent tonsillitis and serious URIs (surgically cured at last); I then lost my colon years ago to Crohn's colitis, and presently have rosacea, osteoarthritis and newly Dxed type II diabetes. No one has ever been able to tell me how much immune activity in my gut takes place with just a small intestine left. Having switched to a low-carb "paleo" diet with all the advised supplements, how can I best re-establish my gut's immune system? Using Metformin and lowering the glucose to 100 or less and the A1C to 5.8, I KNOW I can do more to cut all this inflammation. HOW???

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Ayers,

you mention that babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of their lives to promote healthy gut flora. What if the mother isn't able to produce sufficient milk? What would you recommend in that case? I ask because my wife is expecting twins!


notonourwatch/bran said...

Human Fecal Transplant Results!!!
High Doc can you comment on the before and after results, they are on my blog:

Martin said...

What is your position on including cold showers as part of the antiinflammatory lifestyle? e.g.

DTN513 said...

I am having a second bout of frozen shoulder within 2 years the other shoulder this time. I think this is due to my diet and am changing to the anti-inflammatory diet. My question is I have read that fish oil may help - how much fish oil should I take and how quickly would I see relief.

Thanks I'm so glad I found this site.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

If you are expecting twins, then the most important considerations are maintaining the pregnancy for as long as possible to get the babies as large as possible, and facilitating exclusive breastfeeding.

Women are experts at giving birth and nursing, and they will do just fine in the absence of interventions that cause problems.

Women can exclusively breastfeed twins for at least a year with no other inputs. The breastfeeding woman just needs support to provide for her rest and her nutrition. Support is the role of husbands and caregivers.

The health industry is very eager to provide alternatives to healthy care and those interventions all cost in the health of babies and mothers.

Even a single baby requires more care than modern families expect or sadly are willing to provide. Twins require a village of support for the nursing mother. And nursing is a full time job, since twins are small and their stomachs are very small too. That means 2X a lot of feedings per day.

Formula should never be used, because it is a very potent disrupter of gut flora and the health of newborns. In an emergency, pooled donor milk from a human milk bank is the best alternative. Since newborns use only small amounts, donor milk is a cheap alternative.

Use of formula on small babies encourages necrotic enterocolitis. All non-human milk additives, in my opinion, pose an unnecessary risk for babies. Just being in a hospital and around healthcare providers poses a high risk for gut infections, which increases with the length of stay.

When it comes to babies, I trust mothers over doctors. Your wife can provide all of the breast milk needed for twins, but she needs tremendous support. Get your resources together now.

Let me know how things progress.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I think that cold showers are a good idea. They should reduce pain and stimulate brown fat, which might be useful for weight control.

Of course, a hot shower on a painful shoulder also brings relief.

Thanks for your questions.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I agree that your diet is probably the source of the inflammation that is freezing your shoulder. There is probably also an autoimmune component that increased your risk after the first should froze.

The anti-inflammatory diet should provide a cure. You should be aware that other common sources of inflammation, e.g. dental infections, vitamin D deficiency, may be major contributors to chronic inflammation, in addition to the major source of your diet.

Fix your vitamin D levels - test your serum vit.D level, supplement, test again. Make sure that it is over 60 ng/ml.

Eliminate vegetable oils, sugars and most starches.

Make sure that most of your calories are coming from saturated fats, before adding fish oil. I would recommend capsules (Check the actual omega-3 oil content and make sure that it is EPA and DHA. Shorter omega-3s, such as flax oil, don't count.)

Each fish oil capsule of one gram is made up of about 25% DHA+EPA, so to get an actual gram of useful omega-3 fatty acids, it takes about four capsules. For someone with severe inflammatory symptoms, I would recommend 8 capsules a day. I would expect you to feel a relief of symptoms within a week of changing your diet and taking the fish oil.

You might also get some relief from topical application of Vick's Vaporub or castor oil. A hot shower on the shoulder might also give temporary relief.

The autoimmune component of the shoulder inflammation will require a change in your gut flora to revive your suppressive immune system. I talk about that elsewhere on my blog.

Thanks for the question and let me know how you do.

DTN513 said...

Dr. Ayers,
Thank you for such a quick response. I will give everything you suggested a try. I definitely don't want this shoulder to freeze completely like the last one did. This one started about a month ago so maybe I can stop it in it's tracks.

This is such an informative blog!

patty greene said...

Hi Dr. Ayers,

I have chronic stiffness in my fingers and now neck resulting in limited range of motion. I was dx w. polymyalgia rheumatica in 2002 - was on a low dose of prednisone for about a year; the severe sx subsided - a few years later, i developed carpal tunnel and then suddenly, my finger joints swelled and I subsequently got dx with rheumatoid arthritis with a second opinion of osteoarthritis. I opted for the 2nd opinion. I have taken no medications for this; first doc wanted to put me on methotrexate and that's when I sought another opinion; I lost one entire joint in my baby finger and I cannot make a fist in either hands. This has been going on for about 4 years now. I have learned to live w. these sx (I used to take a hoard of supplements - eskimo fish oil and various things to address leaky gut) and never seemed to get great results so more or less abandoned everything. As I read your blog and a few others, I began thinking I need to really try harder to get a handle on this. I bought foie de gras (for the k2 advantage) and a K-2 MK-4(500mcg), vit A&D3
and good brand of omega 3's today. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as I want to improve my health. I have always eaten pretty healthy but have never given up wheat/grains etc - perhaps the culprit? Thank you!

notonourwatch/bran said...

hello Doc,
i recently underwent HPI, and killed of Kleb and 2 citrobacter, plus i reduced blastocysticis hominis down significantly...

i was wondering if you could give your opinion on why i did not manage to raise my lactobacteria at all??

my before and after results are here:

DTN513 said...

Hi Dr. Ayers,
A couple of weeks ago I contacted you regarding frozen shoulder. I just wanted to give you a quick update and ask a quick question. I am changing my diet, I added Vit D and the fish oil. The pain in my shoulder has defintely been reduced. It is no longer that constant intense pain thank goodness. It now is a dull ache most of the time. I do get the intense pain if I move my arm too far too quickly. But generally it is the dull ache, which I put BioFreeze on it for relief... my range of motion is also still reduced.

My question is do I stay at this level of fish oil forever or should I go to a maintenance dose level at some point? If so at what point should I consider it? And what would be considered the correct ongoing dose?

DTN513 said...

I spoke too soon. I discussed frozen shoulder with you awhile back. I started on fish oil, started taking vitamin D and reduced the bad carbs. I had significant improvement at first but the last week to 10 days the shoulder is getting much worse. I was wondering if it made sense to increase my fish oil. I was thinking of increasing it up to 12 capsules from the 8. Does this make sense?

Anek Dodl said...


Speaking as someone who has overcome carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis and micro tears in my rotator cuff (shoulder), I can say you are on the right track with vitamin D and fish oil capsules BUT "reducing bad carbs" has to include NO WHEAT or your problems will likely progress as mine did.

Try NO grains for a week and see.


Anonymous said...


I fully endorse what Anonymous says.

I would also apply castor oil to your shoulder as often as you can and give it time. My symptoms took over 6 months to really improve and 2 years to be completely healed.

DTN513 said...

Bill & Anonymous,
Thanks for the input. I will try it with no wheat at all and see how that goes.

Was that 6 months/2 year timeframe with the anti-inflammation diet or without it? That timeframe is about the time it took for my first frozen shoulder. I was hoping these nutrition changes would shorten that. I will say that this shoulder doesn't seem as bad as the first one.
Thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...


I had real relief after literally days of using the castor oil. I just smeared it all over and put up with the greasy feel under my shirt. I seemed to absorb in 3 hours or so and I would repeat.I kept this up for about a week and then just applied morning and night for a couple more weeks.
This was my "throwing arm" and when I say 2 years, that was for total relief, where I can throw a ball or a stick for the dog without even the slightest twinge now.
I was following Dr. Ayers guidelines, especially no grains and minimal sugar. I've been using 2 grams of turmeric powder, fresh ginger and chillie peppers in my diet daily for the past 3 years. I believe this has helped too.
I also had alopecia areata for 8 years prior to going anti inflammatory. It took 3 years, but I have been totally clear now for 2 years. My hair is thicker, stronger and less grey now.
I reckon that if you are absolutely strict, then you will recover.
I've not had any grains at all. How much fresh delicious bread can I tolerate before I start to suffer symptoms? I don't know, and I will never know because I won't risk it.
I get cravings but I haven't failed yet.
You just have to be disciplined because the long term benefits of minimal inflammation is far better than lapsing.
I'm 57 and lean and fit. I intend to stay this way.
My eyesight has definitely improved too. 6 years ago I used to need glasses to read. I don't now. My distance vision is sharper too.
As you progress, tune into Dr. Ayers advice on gut flora. He seems to be taking this area of research and deduction to new levels.

Anonymous said...


Forgot to mention the importance of vitamin D.
I've maintained my levels above 75 ng/ml for 3 years now.

pcal said...

From the post here and other sites across this great USA: I can only conclude we all are throwing our money away on our medical system.Particularly on health insurance and medicare and medicaid.We need real guidance to diet and lifestyle for a true healthy body and society but we get stuff like The Food Pyramid,a totally perfect way to acquire diabetes and all the degenerative disorders.No disease ,just disorders of our whole metabalism by allowing bad bacterias to establish colonies in our blood vessels and then move into our joints and consume us as if we were already dead.Wheat flour is addictive as is all simple carbs so one MUST avoid them at all cost but they comprise 90% of what available in grocery stores.To alter my diet has impacted my relationship with all my relatives.They are convinced that I am nuts so I watch them suffer and try not to preach to them.Only if they ask me for advice will I offer any.I direct them to the Weston A.Price foundation for starters.Vitamins are only after a good foundation of FOOD.They do help for fighting off disorders.I think of them as the mortar that binds our cellular bricks together but for those who think vitamins are going to cure their problems,Ha!..That vit D WILL cause kidney stones if you don't have a heck of a load of vit A with it it a little known fact and where is that combo in nature?Why,cod liver oil,thats where.Where is it included in a pill?I don't know. Good luck to us all but to eat the SAD is a sure course to an early grave.

DTN513 said...

Thanks for the info. I had never heard of castor oil being used for something like this. I will give it a try as you suggested. I am also doing the no grains (not just no wheat). I'll give these things a try and see how it goes.

Thx again.

Jackie said...

Long ago you mentioned your interest in NO at the cellular level. I am now using a vet 904nM,500mW cold laser, which is thought to dissociate NO from the mitorchondia (might be off here) and let O2 reattach and also stimulates ATP to increase healing, decrease inflammation. No way can I explain but this link might be of interest to you -

If interested in my 'results' let me know. I have no idea if you will even see this post.

I love the Blog, but it is overwhelming in size.

Best wishes, and thanks for sharing your brilliance.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be UNsaturated fat? You list no trans fat then say "Saturated fats should be the major source of dietary calories."

Korion said...

Hi Dr. Art Ayers!

I've been following the paleo diet for 6 months now. I never ate fruits, nuts, seeds, nightshades. Some days ago, I wanted to eat lemons, so I started to eat one every morning. I also introduced some sweet potatoes as "safe starch". Only very small amounts though (one potato slice every day).

Then, this morning, something damn annoying happened : I got a huge flushing, my arms and my face got all red. My parents were kinda weirded out, they never saw me like that, though I already told them multiple times in the past I seemed to have big allergy/intolerance problems.

I'm gonna stop eating lemons, as I don't mind eating a strict diet as long as I can eat enough (I'm extremely afraid to be anorexic, though that risk is very small). I take quercetin too.

My question : if I can't tolerate fruits, what can I do to eat perfectly. In other words, how can your anti-inflammatory lifestyle be improved even more? Due to budget issues I'm forced to eat grass-fed meat with small levels of dextrose and eggs from time to time. Could that be detrimental?

Thanks a lot!

Stine said...

Hi. I have suffered from food intolerance (irritabel bowel disease) for over a year now. I have never heard that my gut has to little bacteries, this is new and interesting information, thank you. My stool is typically hard and comes out in small lumps. I guess this is due to the lack of bacteries? After eating certain foods (fruits, grains, milk products) I get bloated and often have to go the toilet. I have tried a low carb diet before, and felt much better. Now I want to try your anti-inflammatory diet, and I wonder, is there only through vegitables & meat I will get new bacteries? And do they survive my gastric acid? Should I take probiotics together with this diet? And what if I one day are visiting someone and they serve me something that contains wheat, lets say, will this ruin the diet? Should I stay 100% away from "bad" food?

Thank you!

Diane said...

WOW. Well, I certainly like to use probiotics, esp drinkable yogurt, for the gut. And I have discovered that hair dye (red-brown) gave me the inflamed state of fybromyalgia, awful, awful painful..and now I can also add the food dyes in Easter egg candy do the same thing. I ate quite a bit last week and then noticed my legs were just KILLING me. I put two and two together, realized it was the food coloring. I also discovered I'm sensitive to all the mint family and once I found a mint-free fluoride paste (at the Vitamin Shoppe) my face and gums got clearer. Wish it didn't take me all my life to discover these things.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayer,

Thank you for your wonderful blog. Have you ever heard of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III? While some subtypes have genetic tests, this subtype, the more common one, is thought to be a constellation of genetic factors. It's very murky as to the precise cause except that it is a collagen disorder, is familial, and presents individually.

So many of us have myofascial, allergy, autoimmune, postural orthostatic hypotension, autonomic dysfuntion, gastroparesis, and vagal nerve related issues. Lately, patients are figuring out that the gut is intricately involved.. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, a subset of mastocytosis, is an emrging dx being applied to us. It explains our food intolerances, brain fog, and brain pressure due to ... in some cases...CCVSI (which is 'hot' in the multiple sclerosis workd right now.... fyi: many of us have former MS or fbromyalgia dx's).

Due to my research as a patient, I believe mast cells are over stimulating fibroblasts in the myofascial plains and muscle as a downstream result of multiple transactons due to loose junctions in the intestinal wall/barrier. The pattern for symptoms occurs much more in the female population and revolves, generally, more frequently around puberty and menopause. The higher estrogen levels in females is believed to be the reason they are more lax and thus more diagnosed. Occurence from this subtype (believed to be underdiagnosed) is 1 in 5,000 (some think it is 3,000).

My experience has been that while on a gluten diet, I had a lot of myofascial problems that were made worse by regular PT. I found a chiro who was able to break up, what he calls firbrotic areas, with a manual therapy. Once done, I was able to exercise. Going gluten free and then on top going dairy free helped me in a lot of ways as well as taking mast cell medications. (I was flushing, dyspepsia, fatigue, etc).

My questions are these:

1) are you familiar with this?
2) are you able to explain how mast cells can affect fibroblasts
3) are you able to explain how estrogen affecgts mast cells
4) lastly, would HRT (testoterone only) have the same affect on the mast cells as estrogen. My MD wants to maintain my muscle mass in order to maintain my joints.

I know there are a lot of questions so respond to what you prefer. I have links I could give but did not want to do it directly here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Ayers-

I know this post is old, but I wanted toss out a couple questions for your input.

I was diagnosed at the age of 3 with pauciarticular JRA. I'm now 34, almost 35. My RA seems to have been triggered by a dairy allergy, which led to an ear infection, which was then treated by antibiotics. My disease was off and on throughout my childhood, then came back from remission when I hit puberty. Throughout high school and college I took tons of antibiotics for acne (none helped). After college, I went on Acdutane (didn't do much).

Since then I have dramatically modified my diet. In fact, it's extremely close to what you recommend. I have given up dairy, soy and gluten. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years, though pescetarian for the last 8. Taking out gluten last year was finally the solution to ending all those years of acne. My sinuses and energy levels also improved exponentially after removing dairy. Although inflammation wasn't the reason I originally took out meat, there does appear to be a lot of evidence that meat breaks down to high levels of arachidonic acid, so I'm not exactly itching to add it back in.

I also have mild hypothyroidism (TSH: 4.42) and adrenal fatigue. I've been working on treating all of these with a lot of supplements/herbs (prescribed by my ND), as well as B vitamins, Isocort (my waking cortisol levels were super low), fish oil (about a tablespoon a day) and D3 (I recently bumped the daily dose up to 6000 I.U.). My ND has me taking a probiotic with only Bifido strains as RA is a Th1 response and lactobacillus strains stimulate Th1. Stimulating Th2 with the bifido strains triggers the opposite immunological response. (Side note: I thought I had candida at one point, but these symptoms stopped when I switched to this probiotic.) I have taken Enbrel for the last 9 years (following many years of NSAIDs and DMARDs with countless side effects), though at this point it's once a month or less -- only when I think the flare is going to spin out of control.

I'm planning to try 2 weeks of no grains and no beans to see if there is any improvement. To that end, I'm curious of your thoughts on beans and whether you consider them to be protein or starch in the anti-inflammatory diet. Admittedly, they are a major source of protein for me.

There is also a great deal of research which shows that people with RA have higher levels of estrogen metabolites in the synovial fluid of their joints. These are stimulated by inflammatory cytokines. For me, the only time my joints flare (and this is interesting given that my RA came back around the time of my first period), is 2 days before or after my period each month. I find it curious that you say that estrogen is anti-inflammatory, when most of what I've read claims the opposite, particularly in the case of estrogen dominance. Thoughts on estrogen as it relates to chronic inflammation? Is it possible that higher levels of saturated fat and D3 could/would minimize the role of estrogens in the inflammatory process? I'm presently taking indole-3-carbinol to better metabolize estrogen, though I question whether it's doing anything. If it is, the effects are subtle.


Anonymous said...

doc your diet is great but it gets heavy in proteins and fats however if you see longest lived cultures like okinawans or 7th day adventists they are at over 80% with carbs especially through bananas and potatoes.

how do you reconcile the anti inflammatory diet with those cultures?

rosacean said...

My 4 year old ex-micropreemie (more than 3 months premature) son has GERD, slow motility, constipation, atopic dermatitis, elevated IgE sensitivities to a host of foods, some environmental allergies, developmental delays, and recently some frequent preventricluar contractions. His recent stool analysis showed moderately high levels of Eosinophil Protein X, normal levels of calprotectin, low gut pH (5.6), high cholesterol in the fecal fat distribution, no parasites, no H. pylori, low levels of Putrefactive SCFAs, fine levels of Beneficial SCFAs, slightly high Beta-glucuronidase, regular levels of LCA, slightly low levels of DCA, resulting in a slighlty high LCA/DCA ratio, very good levels of lactobacillus species and escherichia coli, fairly good but not ideal levels of bifidobacterium, everything else within normal ranges. During three months of NICU hospitalization he had cholestasis and hyperbilirubinemia and lung problems, to note just a few things. I was on daily heparin during pregnancy for historically occasionally elevated phospholipid anitbodies. He was fed my breast milk for over a year, but always with formula added, because they thought he needed extra calories to overcome the lung problems, and he had a few rounds of antibiotics for staff and other infections while hospitalized. He had GERD symptoms and vomited up his meals daily for three agonizing years and had poor growth as a result during some, or much, of that time. He currently eats without vomiting with a cocktail of meds: Periactin to stimulate appetite, Prevacid to keep it from coming back up the esophagus, Reglan to get it to move through the stomach, and Miralax to get it out the other end. Also takes daily a prebiotic, a probitoic (HMF Neuro Powder, has Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and L-glutamine), and 2 tsps of Barlean's Fish Oil (purified salmon and/or cod liver oil)as an "omega 3 supplement", although it contains omega 3, 6 and 9, and a children's multivitamin/multimineral tablet. His one and 2 year old diet could be characterized as a little bit of food with a lot of calorie enhancers such as heavy whipping cream, MCT oil, and formulas, all of which exacerbated the GERD. His three year old diet was about 80% Vital Junior (a semi-enteral formula), and 20% food, usually eggs, peanut butter, meats, prunes, dates anything high calorie, (but no butter or avocado because those got vomited up immediately)and just a little olive oil, as tolerated. His four year old diet is all food and rice milk, no more formula, and a slowly increased tolerance to olive oil and beef fat. We have eliminated all milk and wheat for 5 months now and have further elimated peanut, soy, egg, tomato, apple and strawberry based on IgE results, hoping that removing all offenders would let the system stop inflamming and rest. He gets meat, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, vegetables, fruit, rice and rice milk and 2 tsps olive oil daily. So far, no change in dependency on meds to alleviate GERD/GI symptoms with these elimination diets. I wonder sometimes if he has low stomach acid instead of too much stomach acid, and the Prevacid is merely stimulating acid production? Toughest part is that he just can't take in all that much volume, so we have always and continue to struggle with getting in enough calories to support thriving growth. Will definitely try to increase beef fat (is beef tallow just as good or not preferable to unrendered fat?) and all aspects of your anti-inflammatory diet, as long as we can get in enough calories. (We have a child who needs to gain weight and develop, not an adult who needs to lose weight.) Wondering what your thoughts might be on his poop analysis results, beef tallow, and anything else that we could do. Thank you.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I think that you should be optimistic about a complete reversal of symptoms. The problems are not your fault and are the products of conventional thinking in the medical industry.

It seems to me that the basic problem is in the gut flora that are shared by your family. You can see the problems in your own immune system. You had problems with fertility/gestation that were based on your high level of chronic inflammation and compromised suppressive immune system. The suppressive immune system develops in the lining of the gut in response to particular species of gut bacteria. You are lacking those gut species, probably because of prior antibiotic treatments. Since pregnancy and birth are large scale examples of suppressing/stimulating inflammation, you had to artifically reduce your chronic inflammation in order to maintain a pregnancy for a long as possible.

That was a typical response of the medical system. The alternative would have been to fix your diet and gut flora that would have permitted your otherwise healthy body to have a routine birth.

Now your son has to adjust. Unfortunately, your family still has an unhealthy combination of gut bacteria and you can see the importance of gut bacteria in your son's symptoms. He has major defects in his immune system caused by his treatments. Medicine uses drugs to wipe out bodily functions that produce symptoms, that is just like surgical removal of problematic tissue. If the suppressive part of the immune system is not functioning properly and the aggressive part starts to attack healthy tissues or food or gut flora, then the medical approach is to stop the remaining aggressive part.

I also think that GERD is similar to stomach ulcers, and is caused by a bacterial infection and low stomach acid, followed by restructuring of the esophagus.

I don't think that food allergy info is reliable or meaningful. Most info from analysis of stool bacteria is also misleading.

I think that the basic approach that I would take is to find food that is tolerated and build on your son's diet from there. Saturated fats will provide protection for the use of omega-3 fatty acids to lower inflammation (the amount you indicate seems low.) Go back to live, full fat yogurt (without sugar). I suspect that your whole family is vit. D deficient.

Your whole family should participate in improving gut flora. Your son suffers from premature birth and bad inherited gut bacteria. Both of those can be fixed, but you need to fix the gut bacteria on the whole family. I talk about repairing gut bacteria all over this blog. The best solution would be for both you and your son to receive gut flora transplants from an unrelated healthy donor, but that is now futuristic.

Let me know how it goes.

Mary said...

I'm just a 40 year old healthy women "not joint problems" and was wondering if this drink mix is overdoing it. it's called osteo bi-flex nutra joint drink mix with 200IU of Vitamin D3, 250mg of Acai and contains Gelatin and Calcium. Calcium is 260 mg. Glucosamine Hydrochloride is 1,700 MG (1.7g) and Gelatin is 11grams. It also has 6 IU of Vitamin E and a few other things. Please help me decide if this is a smart supplement to take

Mary said...

sorry I meant 2,000IU Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) it says on the back.


Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting blog, but I have skipped lots of it because I simply don't understand it. I have Type 1 diabetes and lymes disease. Is there a recommended protocol? I have unsuccessfully given some things a try, but symptoms of lymes still persist. Could you list some things that may be helpful?

Anonymous said...

Fascinating information!

I read on another site that vitamin c is inadequate for scurvy; that scurvy is caused by deficiencies in two components essential for the production of collagen: hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline.

What is your opinion on this?

Would proline and lysine supplementation be more sensible?

Thank you

Dr. Art Ayers said...

Vit.C and scurvy:

I don't think that there is any controversy. As far as I know, hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline have nothing to do with scurvy, but rather, vit.C is needed to maintain the active oxidation state of the enzyme that modifies the proline residues of the collagen proteins. You can determine if the enzyme worked by breaking up the collagen and seeing how much hydroxyproline was produced, but if you eat hydroxyproline, it doesn't get made into collagen again. Vitamin C is needed in the diet and the modified hydroxyl amino acids are not.

Thanks for the comments/question.

organigal12 said...

flyin blind here so to speak. taking notes as quickly as I am able. Trying to help daughter and her autoimmune issues before something really bad happens! Omega 3 should be taken with saturated fats, am I correct? Just stick the fish oil caps in some raw butter? I am not kidding. How can I increase the d3 (drops form?) along with K1, or is it 3??? AND A?? I have heard animal Vit A is used where PLANT A is wasted?
My daughter returned home after school with hashimoto's low thyroid, and a HOST of others due to poor health management by her primary care physician. Every little complaint by my daughter was met with a round of antibiotics (favorite one being augmentin) steroids, birth control pills, antidepressants and round #1 of the Gardasil mess. This young woman is intolerant to GLUTEN, allergic to soy and corn (chick and beef too, I suspect from cheap grain feeds), and CASEIN - we buy raw dairy now. She does NOT eat gluten OR grains. We do quinoa or amaranth occasionally. Some nut breads. NO SUGAR. (Stevia - in the GREEN form). We do organic and we are NOT overly scrubbing the veggies. Thank you for this information. I will help her. I feel the polycystic ovarian syndrome, acne, achy joints, weight and extreme constipation is just the tip of the iceberg. No medical professionals are of any use for we have seen them all. We ONLY use coconut and/or olive oil. Lately she has been DRINKING CASTOR OIL just to get bowels moving!! Her compounded thyroid medication is worthless.

Anonymous said...

This is all very interesting information, however I think we are getting to a point where people are just tuning out this kind of information as more often than not there is contradictory advice given from authoratative sources. For instance your comment about sat fats is directly at odds with NHS guidelines -

Generally, people will come away from this type of information with the blinkered view of sat fats = bad and avoid them altogether.


Simon Ames said...

New food labelling initiative for UK.

Anonymous said...

Hey Art, this was an interesting article, but I am confused about the diet of simple sugars. I have Crohns and in a last ditch effort to avoid drugs, I have been on a liquid diet for a month now (any solid food makes me very, very sick) but I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this (the powder formulas are so high in sugar) so I have been drinking 3 litres of lactose-intolerant milk, plus flaxseed oil supplements and vitamins for a month, but this hasn't improved my inflammation/gut irration (although it's still much better pain-wise than solid food). It's also worrying me that I'm getting too much protein and calcium (also satured fat) in the milk. I was just wondering if you could shed any light on why lactose free milk hasn't been the answer in helping my inflammation? Is it the wrong kind of sugars for my gut? ...I am starting to to think immune suppressant drugs are my only hope....thanks, Sarah-Marie.

2009 DREAM said...

I’m glad to find so many useful and informative data on your here

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayers

I live in another country and have difficulty finding vit D3 supplements.
I just found calcitriol 0,25mcg.
Do you think it's okay if I take this?

According to Christie said...

Hi Doctor - I wanted to share this information with my Celiac Blog followers. What supplement recommendations do you have for Celiacs? I have been on a GF diet for the past 6 years - feeling better but still experience inflammation - particularly in the morning to mid after noon. I do better with no grains at all but find myself very hungry. Any suggestions for me and other Celiac patients?

ironryan77 said...

Excellent article, Dr. Ayers! I am looking for a good anti-inflammatory diet book. But most of the books I have seen are from 2006 or earlier and contradicted some of the recommendations that you made.

After trying many different foods myself, I agree with your recommendations but would like a fuller description. Can you recommend a good diet book to me?

Unknown said...

Dr. Art,..

I really appreciate your work of sharing knowledge, educating people on diet and answering question here.. since where I live (Jakarta) scientist of this study focus is out of reach..

I have endometriosis on 2004 had a laparascopy on 2005 and shot with tapros for 3 months to stop my period.. i was kinda free of endometriosis until 2010, when the endometriosis returns,.. i was told then, that laparascopy was not a cure, and the endo have a 5% chance to comeback and they did..

What frustrated me were after 5 years (8 years now) there is still no cure, and doctors still give me the same answer i heard 8 years ago

I've consulted with several doctors because I dont want to have another laparascopy, but the answer are all encouraging me to have another laparascopy..
So, I went the other way, alternative medicine way.. I've tried accupunture, herbal teas, propolis, sea cucumber jelly, and staying out of environmental dioxin (which can be very depressing) like BPA plastic, parabens, eating organic, mostly veggies,.. with no success and more depressed than ever..

After reading your blog I kinda hoping that endometriosis is also an inflammatory desease.. so I googled away and found a journal on it (Endometriosis: an inflammatory disease with a Th2 immune response component from ) the journal conclude that:
"Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease involving a possible shift towards Th2 immune response component, as demonstrated by the relative increase in cytokines characteristic of this pattern of immune response"

I kinda understand that it is somekind of an inflammatory desease, although I dont really comprehend what the sentence fully means, but is it?
and can I hope to see improvement on my condition if I follow the anti-inflammation diet?

Right now I only use coconut oil for cooking, but I am guilty of being a carb-lover (mostly rice though), planning to buy a vit. D supplement or should i check my blood first?

Many Thanks,


Anonymous said...

Hi Doctor,

Great site and info, can't wait to read through it all. I'm hoping you can give me some advice.

I've had stomach issues for years...constipation, heartburn, etc...and found some ways to manage it to an extent. But one thing that I cannot solve - and it's ruining my life - is the constant inflammation I get at the back of my throat after every meal. ( Not from acid reflux, just an allergic type reaction in my throat to food ?!?! ) It's sore, causes mucus, and gives me bad breath...even though I eat healthily. Why is this?

Do you think the Anti-Inflammatory Diet will help? Is there any other advice you can give to prevent this happening?

Thanks, Mark

Unknown said...

Your way to enlighten everything on this blog is actually pleasant, everyone manage to efficiently be familiar with it, Thanks a great deal.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about the blanket statement that grains are inflammatory. I eat a lot of whole grains, and a high-sensitive CRP test showed extraordinarily low CRP levels. I eat next to no processed foods and what I would consider a healthy, whole food diet. I'm in my late 50's and feel great with no health issues.

Is it possible that grains are only inflammatory to an already-damaged gut? I like to maximize my health, and would give up grains if needed, but don't want to unnecessarily give up a food group. Thanks, Karen

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I agree with your perspective and exclude grains from my Anti-Inflammatory diet only to point out that most people are either celiac or gluten intolerant. This means that most people are healthier without grains. Some healthy individuals can protect themselves from the toxic effects of the polyglutamine sequences in gluten, but in most cases the intestinal lining is damaged and gut flora are compromised. Whole grains cause even more damage with their insoluble fiber, although the soluble fiber would be beneficial.

A parallel case would be the toxic group of phytochemicals, which healthy people can neutralize with enzymes in the gut and liver. Phytochemicals are after all defensive chemicals, natural antibiotics, produced by plants to kill bacteria and fungi. They have the limited benefit of neutralizing oxidative stress of inflammation in sick people.

In your case grains are probably no big deal, but your eating them without a problem may set a damaging example for your unhealthy friends.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayers,

Thanks for the response re: grains. Makes sense and good points.

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rob vangely said...

Great posts and I learned more of the food choices I need to be making than anywhere else. I have reduced my cholesterol however at the same time reduced certain saturated fats, explains the chronic inflammation? I have some relief with omega 3 and other is one that has helped if interested:

Anonymous said...

Dont have veg and specificallyfruit exept for the fibre from pulp,, then include themin the diet , just eat the farmers diet iguess

Unknown said...

I am 45 years old and have had psoriasis since I was about 16 and psoriatic arthritis for about 10 years. I have taken various medications but I am currently on Humira every other week. Skin is completely clear but my joints are not good.

I also take high doses of Omega 3 and 4000 IU of Vit. D per day. Off and on with a low carb diet.

I recently joined the American Gut Project and got my results back on my gut makeup. Here are a few highlights:

My most abundant microbes:

Family Prevotella – 24.9%
Family Ruminococcaceae 13.4%
Family Lachnospiraceae 10.1%
Genius Bacteroides 8.1%

My most enriched microbes:

Genius Clostridium 2.5% vs. 0.3% population (7X)
Genius Finegoldia 0.7% vs. 0.0% population (17X)
Genius Prevotella 24.9% vs. 2.6% population (9X)
Genius Collinsella 0.9% vs. 0.1% population (8X)

Rare Taxa: Genus Varibaculum, Genus Neisseria, Genus Campylobacter, Unclassified Order ML615J-28 (some people have them but most don’t)

It is interesting data and it is obvious I have different gut bacteria to the population but I am not sure where to go with this information. Any insights on how my diet and inflammation should be addressed?

peter said...

Hi, can you say how much carb is optimal per day in your anti-inflammatory diet? you always say to avoid all grains and rice and potatoes and when you give diet examples you add: a slice of toast or somethings...

thats kind of confusing.

thanks for your blog.

Margee said...

I'm wondering about saturated fat and ApoE4. I understand that if you have this mutation, then you should minimize saturated fat. Would you agree?

Anonymous said...

kHi Dr Ayers,

My mum is 66 now and she has been eating an anti-inflammatory diet now. She had a very minor stroke, according to what the doctor said before, and i am pondering whetherI should include CoQ10 supplement into her diet or not.

I stumbled across 2 major forms of CoQ10, ubiquinone and Ubiquinol, I found no research supporting the claims that the latter form is better and good enough to warrant the extra cost.

Would you mind share your professional opinion on this matter with me?

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayers,
Thanks for all the great information. I've found it to be extremely useful. I'm curious if you have any resources(websites,books, etc) that deals with inflammation, injuries, diet for athletes? I'm looking for ways to help explain diet and inflammation with athletes I work with. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

My Name are Henry Veronica i m from Spain,i want to use this moment to say a specials thanks to Great Herbalist AZuba who help me in conceiving for a and my husband have been looking for a baby for over 8 years now,one day i want to the hospital where i use to get my pregnancy pills in the process i was explaining my condition to a woman and some one heard us talking and she approach me and tell me that i dont need to be taking pregnancy pills to conceive,if i believe in spell and i told that i dont,but if is what is going to make me to conceive i will believe in it,she gave me the address and contact number of Dr.Azuba and i contacted him and i explain every thing to him,he told me that he can see four babies in my belly,i was thinking he was joking and he said to me that i should get items for the pregnancy spell and the cleansing and i get them,so he cast the spell on me and did the cleansing and he said to me in 8 weeks time i will conceive,i receive some herbal medication and enchantment which i will be taking,in 8 weeks time i want to the hospital to do test and the doctor said to me that i have four babies in my belly,9 month later i gave birth to four babies.what a miracle and i told him that if what he say happen i will share a great testimony to the whole world,if you know that you are trying to conceive you can contact him via email: or cell phone +2348149271063

Tamala Poljak said...

Love your blog! SO thorough!

I'm really struggling with finding the right diet to help me with High cholesterol. My cholesterol and triglycerides are both high. And yes, so is my blood sugar and I need to lose 75 lbs, which I can't seem to get off. I've been avoiding refined carbs and sugar and high glycemic fruits and exercising regularly. What I'm confused about is the what to do about the fat content of my diet, especially needing to lose weight. I know saturated fats have benefits for inflammation and that we've vilified fats, but what is best for someone with metabolic syndrome??

Thanks again!!!

Tamala Poljak said...

OOps, I meant to check the box email follow up comments to on the previous comment. please do, thanks!!!

Dr. Art Ayers said...

My understanding is that many of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome come from insulin resistance and inflammation of fat accumulation. The insulin resistance results from cells protecting themselves from excess blood sugar and fatty acids, so a typical low carb paleo diet, e.g. Mark's Daily Apple, should lead to weight reduction and return of insulin sensitivity. You can generally produce all of the blood sugar you need from dietary protein, so part of the quick cure is eliminating dietary starch, especially all wheat and grain products. That makes regulation of blood sugar much easier. Your gut bacteria need prebiotic fiber, so don't cut out the vegetables. Low carb does not mean low prebiotic fiber.

The guidelines for curing metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are very simple, but are difficult for people to do. The first couple of days are the hardest, but after that, a low carb, high fat diet is the easiest to follow long term. As soon as your weight starts to drop, your symptoms should start to correct. Some people see reversal of symptoms in a couple of weeks.

Tamala Poljak said...

Thanks so much. Is it helpful to take a prebiotic supplement? Are there foods that help artheroschlerosis? Basically the doc has me all worked up over my cholesterol numbers...

Tamala Poljak said...

I'm sure you've heard this a million times! I just want to DO THE RIGHT THING :)

Ronaldo said...

incapatible prolotherapy (causes inflamation on purpose) and low fodmap diet which reduces inflamaiont? Anyone knowledgeable on this? thks

Elisabeth said...

Dr Ayers,
my name is Elisabeth, I am 38 years old and I am from Greece.
I have just found out your site, as I began to search to find answers about my chronic pathology, which no doctor has been able to help me.
My main problems are hyperprolaktinaimia (caused by a micro-adenoma called prolaktinoma found in hypophysis, discovered 11 years ago) and a skin problem that appeared also about 10 years ago in the external genital area (initially thought to be vitiligo because of the white spots lacking melanin)and then, as intensive unbearable itching and dryness appeared, dermatologists guessed that I suffer either from Lichen sclerosus, or Lichen simplex chronicus or squamous hyperplasia, or mixed dystrophy (that belong to non - neoplastic vulvar epithelial disorders), saying that a biopsy is needed in order to identify which of them is my case, but they said that biopsy is not required given the fact that there is no cure and the only available treatment for the symptoms is cortizone creams. They also informed me that it is also an autoimune problem like vitiligo.
I have tried many therapies (cotizone creams, antifyngus drugs, supplementation with probiotics, garlic , vitamin E, increased my 25(OH)D3 levels to 45 ng/ml) but nothing until now has worked.
So I 've just started to search on my own to find something that will help me.
The interesting thing is that when I was a child, I had vitiligo in several areas in my body (including the genital area) and when I was a teenager, my parents heard that niacin supplementation might help so they gave me niacin for about 1-2 years, and vitiligo disappeared in all areas except the genital. Now I try to find out how niacin could be related to the autoimmune disorders and I am thinking of retaking niacin. I don't know which dosage would be appropriate, so I am searching for that also. Another question is "No-flush Niacin supplements are equally effective as the plain Niacin ones?"
The last 2-3 years I have also been taking non alcohol extract of Agnus Castus, that helped me having menstruation (with the high levels of prolactine, menstruation was disrupted), but the last few months, although I still take Agnus Castus, prolactine is too high again and the mestruation has disappeared.
I really wonder about the connection between my endocrinological and the autoimmune disorder.
Please consider that after all these years of suffering and that I now want to have a baby, I feel desperate and want to find a solution.
I would be deeply greatful if you could share with me your opinion or/and some advice on what to do and read.
Thank you in advance

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I think that you have two problems from which all of the others ramify. Those are the prolaktinoma that messes with your progesterone, fertility and contributes to Lichen sclerosus; and the gut issues that produced your autoimmune diseases, including vitiligo, which suggests celiac.

I am a poor one to ask about prolactin suppressed menstrual cycles. It should interest me, since my wife is a lactation consultant, but I have focused on milk and not fertility suppression, i.e. your tumor makes your body think that you are pregnant. Persist, and I will do some reading on the subject.

I think that your second series of complications associated with autoimmunity are part of the celiac cascade of autoimmunity. I would expect that you also have some thyroid problems, since Hashimoto's is another common association. You can also expect the body rash and lower back issues. This suggests that you should be gluten free.

You might look up low dose Naltrexone, to see if it my solve some of your problems.

Back to your autoimmune issues. It seems that most have settled down, which indicates that you may be getting your gut microbiota repaired. It would seem that you should try to increase your prebiotic fiber, e.g. resistant starch from potato (see my posts, as well as Free the Animal and Vegetable Pharm.) You should also increase your omega-3 fish oil. It is my impression that Lichen sclerosus is mediated by prostaglandins, so I would expect that aspirin may be helpful, though it can cause some problems with gut bacteria. I assume that you have no issues with constipation or diarrhea, which would indicate more profound gut dysbiosis.

I am clearly not a medical doctor and your problems are certainly medically challenging, so I can only try to explain what is going on and tell you what approaches are suggested in the literature.

Please ask more questions, if you think I can be of any help.

Elisabeth said...

Dear dr. Ayers
I am still reading your articles along with Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, trying to understand the way my body functions (and disfunctions).
I would also like to tell you some more about the condition of my gut:
I have been chronically constipated, so for about 1 year, I started to take every night Aged Cascara Sagrada (for bowel movement and purification) and I am not constipated while I take it. During this year I also had for a month in empty stomach every morning, 1 tb spoon of coconut oil in which I had melted (with slow heating for 24 hours) mastic (Pistacia lentiscus)for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It' s been also a month now that I started to take every morning a tablet of probiotics (several different strains and 50 billion organisms of probotic bacteria). ANd of course I eat real live yogurt and sauerkraut.
I don't know what else to do about my gut. Do you think that detox procedures like fasting with juices, total abstinence of food and water for 2-3 days, colon cleansing with enemas or colon hydrotherapy, would be helpful? My doctor thinks that these techniques are not appropriate, because the fasting promotes "cold" in the body (1 1/2 year ago I started measuring my morning temperature before getting up from the bed and it was between 34,1 and 34,6 Celsius degrees, phenomenon that suggests adrenal exhaustion and metabolic fall. Now, after 1 1/2 year, I am 10 kiloes heavier and my temperature is increased between 35,4-36,0)and the colon hydrotherapies eliminate along with the bad bacteria, the beneficial bacteria.
I feel a little ambivalent, and I wander if there is a way for all this to be implemented in a way that will not stress the body more and the temperature to fall down. I also have to tell you that I try to have every day exercise (walk about 1/2-1 hour) and to sleep at least 8 hours, although I have trouble feeling sleepy before 2-3 a.m.
I am very grateful for your response and I thank you so much for your opinion.
I am still reading your articles along with Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, trying to understand the way my body functions (and disfunctions).
If you come up in the future with additional insights and guidelines about my case, please do share.
Once again, THANK YOU.

Elisabeth said...

P.S. And 1 more question: How Naltrexone might be helpful regarding my pathology?

Elisabeth said...

2nd, is there an explanation about how niacin healed almost all virtiligo? Would it be OK to try it once again to see if something changes in Linchen and if yes, what would be the effective and safe daily dose?

Anonymous said...

Excellent information. Thank you for taking the time to condense your knowledge into posts like this.

I've a question regarding exercise. What type of exercise do you recommend? HIIT, cardio, weight lifting, etc?

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc,

I've been taking mk4 and mk7 after reading the cardiac manifesto, and sure enough my LDL jumped up quit a bit.
TC of 288 and LDL 200, but TG 44 and Vitamin D 46.

If cholesterol is a sign of inflammation, then I'm in big trouble it would seem, but maybe not according to PJT. Even using the Iranian calculation to compute my LDL my number is elevated at 165.

My diet I think is pretty good. No grains, no added sugars, no colas, no potatoes.

In fact I was on such a low carb diet I started cramping a bit, and started taking magnesium but to no immediate consequence. I finally realized that my kidneys were dumping water and salt so I added them back and presto, the leg cramping at night subsided. But I'm not sure if it is because I took magnesium for 2 years, or started taking B12 and zinc along with it before bed.

Anyway, I sure would like to know why my cholesterol spiked. The Cardiac Manifesto and PJT story say to expect a rise, but ouch that's a lot for me. The GCBC book has a chart that shows you are okay to around 250 TC.

Sometimes I think I have my cortisol cycle messed up too.
I have pretty good back pain from spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease as well.
And finally, I had 3 ear infections (swimming a lot) and 1 sinus infection last year (every three month I was on antibiotics). I'm trying probiotics.

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated


Dr. Art Ayers said...

I think that you need to read my dozens of articles on repair of gut flora. There is no point to changing your diet, if the species of bacteria that you need for immune function and health are absent. Changing your diet will alter the relative numbers of each of the hundred or so species that are already there, but the new diet will not bring in new bacterial species. You have to eat them to have them.

All of your symptoms point to missing species of bacteria and chronic inflammation. That is all consistent with your use of antibiotics multiple times. Probiotics will lessen some of your symptoms, but are only a quick, temporary fix.

Your use of magnesium is also another suggestion of damage to your gut bacteria/microbiota, that results in constipation. Constipation results of loss of gut bacteria that can grow on dietary soluble fiber, with the result that the bacteria that normally provide the bulk of normal stools are missing, so stools are made of pellets of dehydrated fiber. Increasing fiber typically means just more pellets, not normal stools made of bacteria. Magnesium just makes the pellets more hydrated, but still doesn't produce normal stools.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet that I recommend is a low sugar and starch diet -- meat, fish, eggs, (dairy), but low in wheat -- at the same time, it is high is soluble fiber, i.e. the polysaccharides, resistant starch, inulin, pectin, etc., in vegetables. In your case, you need to provide a consistent supply of vegetables to feed your gut flora. Then you have to eat small quantities of new bacteria via social contact with healthy people, pets, garden, etc. Hygiene is your enemy, because it kills the bacteria that you need/lack and makes you a microbial island separated from the healthy bacteria.

Your main source of new, healthy bacteria is the people around you, so make sure that they are healthy. Health is contagious, but so are bad eating habits that damage gut flora.

Let me know if you figure out how to use soluble fiber and fix your gut flora.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything Dr. Ayers!!!

MPL said...

I have pain in my neck, shoulders, back and I also have TMJ. I have chronic pain in these areas and have been eating better - eliminating inflammatory foods. I'm being treated by a Neuromuscular dentist for my TJM. Primary doc is sending me to PT. Tested negative for lupus, cancer and RA. I've also been seeing a chiro who adjusts my atlas about every 2 weeks but my pain never goes away. It may reduce but never leaves. Should I be seeing an Orthopedic doc, neurologist, or Rheumatologist? I am at a loss and desperate to get better. I'm doing all I can to help myself - I walk a mile everyday and eating better but it doesn't seem to be enough and still have pain that may have culminated from the past years of bad habits, posture and athletics. I am a female 49 yrs turning 50 this year. I would appreciate your advice.

Jonathan Warkentine said...

If sucrose is 50% fructose and HFCS is 42% fructose, how the hell can you claim that table sugar is any better?

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between glucosamine, msm, and methionine? It seems that these serve similar purposes, so I'm confused about what to take.

Nina said...

I am a little confused by this diet:
1. Is fruits allowed? But it contain fructose right? which is pro-inflammatory.
2. What about legumes and beans? They have starch in it so also pro-inflammatory.
3. No grains at all? But are we then not losing the gut bacteria able to digest some of them?
4. Diary?
5. Some vegetables have also starch int it, should we then eliminate them from the diet?
6. would be helpful to have a list of yes no food, not general description

thanks for any help

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DH said...

Thank you for this article. The recommendation is that most calories should come from saturated fat. Any suggestions for good saturated fats? Some of them like butter and coconut oil definitely thicken my blood, which is not good (leg pains, increased tinnitus, some palpitations, etc) and can be counteracted with low dose aspirin, but that is not very natural. I would appreciate any suggestions on saturated fats that do not thicken the blood.

DH said...

One more question - the purpose of saturated fat, at least in part, is to prevent oxidation of Omega-3 fats. Would monounsaturated fats provide the same function? They are also fairly resistant to oxidation and therefore have a very long shelf life. Your input is appreciated.

Thanks for sharing your research with us freely. I truly believe the Biblical principle 'You reap what you sow.' You are due to reap some kindness and generosity I believe. :)

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