— all 200 Posts —
I started posting to Cooling Inflammation on 21 Aug, 2008 with How Your Diet Makes You Sick or Healthy. My impetus for writing was my growing awareness that diet was the major reason why people were sick, and that health myths were preventing people from being healthy. Inflammation originated by diet-inflicted injury and people attributed their sickness to genetics, environmental toxins and pervasive pathogens.
My Path to the Obvious
My research background started with plant biochemistry, including carbohydrate structural analysis and polyphenol chemistry. At that stage I was interested in understanding how plants protected (phytoalexins) themselves from pathogens, and I expected to use this perspective to explore human innate immunity. From there, I went on to enzymology and protein characterization, biofilm structure, plant genetic engineering and breeding, monoclonal antibody production, mycotoxin detection, stem cell analysis, passive immunity in neonates, computational modeling of collagen and heparin binding, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan inhibition by inflammation. These were temporary foci and the research imperatives, in retrospect, prevented me from seeing the bigger pictures, although they did leave me with a broad skill set.
Perspective: Water and Surface Tension
When I finally decided to slow down, smell the flowers and start having kids, I switched from research to teaching, from university to small liberal arts college. For the first time, I actually thought about what I was teaching and my first revelation was that after teaching biochemistry for twenty years, I didn’t understand water and surface tension. I could provide the platitudes from the Molecular Biology of the Cell, but I couldn’t do it mechanistically with colliding, sticky, energetic water molecules in my mind or at the blackboard. I had to develop functional explanations of hydrogen bonds, entropy and thermal energy, that translated into the structuring of a layer of water molecules responsible for hydrophobic interactions and surface tension. I extended that to include an explanation of the two layers of water holding together cytoplasmic membranes, the tube of structured water that holds together the cylinder of stacked bases in DNA or the shrink wrapping water layer surrounding proteins.
Perspective: Heparin Binding and Amphipathy of Sugars and Basic Amino Acids
As the kids got older, I started to dabble in research again and my expertise in carbohydrate chemistry led me into cartilage (mostly the glycosaminoglycan, GAG, chondroitin sulfate) synthesis and ultimately another GAG, heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). I was attracted to the dynamic HSPGs, that recycled with a half-life of six hours and formed layers around chondrocytes that secreted cartilage as they burrowed/ate through living cartilage. I learned that the heparin filled granules of mast cells could be stained with berberine, which similarly stained the heparin in basement membranes of tissues and amyloids of Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis and diabetes. I was led by protein modeling of collagens to the binding of heparin to proteins and the revelation that basic amino acids (heparin binding domains) and sugars (heparin) are amphipathic, i.e. they have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions. This is also true of plant polyphenolics. Thus, polyphenolics, “basic” amino acids, “hydrophobic” amino acids, and sugars will all stack together.
Amphipathic Interactions
- DNA bases stack.
- Heparin binding sites of proteins are basic amino acids (Arg, Lys).
- Sugar binding sites in enzymes and lectins are hydrophobic amino acids (Trp, Tyr, Phe).
- Nuclear translocation signals, quartets of basic amino acids, bind to receptors with tryptophans.
- Tryptophans are the most highly conserved amino acids in the same proteins across great evolutionary distances.
- Hydrophobic bonding between tryptophan and a sugar or basic amino acid is ten times greater than hydrogen or ionic bonds.
- Tryptophan/Arginine ladders zip regions of proteins together.
- Polyphenols can disrupt cellular protein interactions by binding to receptors for carbohydrates/heparin, steroid hormones, amyloids, etc.
- Heparin holds dozens of hormones to receptors and changes the shapes of proteins, e.g. clotting and complement.
- Most nucleic acid binding proteins will also bind to the more negatively charged heparin.
- Bacteria use a pair of lysines to mark proteins for export.
- Peptides containing the basic amino acids of heparin binding domains (also produced by the specificity of gastric proteases) are antimicrobial, e.g. defensins, and so are plant polyphenols.
- Many drugs are active because they are domesticated plant polyphenols.
From Heparin Binding to Antigen Presentation
As soon as I realized that basic amino acids were involved in heparin binding, I started to look for the basic amino acids (R for arginine and K for lysine in amino acid sequences) in proteins known to bind heparin. After study of hundreds of structures, it became obvious that heparin binding domains were simply a pair of basic amino acids (RR or KK or RK) with another within a distance of six amino acids. No particular structure was necessary, as I later deduced, since binding to the heparin provided the structure. In fact, in many X-ray crystallographic structures, the heparin binding regions on the surface of the protein are missing, because they are not in a defined shape. I suspected that protein antigens involved in autoimmunity and allergy might be brought into cells for presentation to the immune system by interacting with HSPGs on the surface and so started to check them out for heparin binding domains. I was very skillful at picking out pairs of Ks or Rs within sequences of hundreds of amino acids by that time, so I was shocked to see that the first dozen antigens that I checked, all had a triplet of basic amino acids. I had discovered that autoantigens and allergens utilize a basic triplet analogous to the basic quartet used in nuclear translocation! This also explained why proteins that interact with nucleic acids and are transported into the nucleus with a basic quartet are also prominent autoantigens.
Gut Flora and Immunity
Twenty years ago I read a curious description of leprosy that said that the course of infection could be either innocuous or devastating depending on whether the aggressive or the suppressive part of the immune system dominated. I remained perplexed until I realized that diet and gut flora were the major determinants. I was aware of the importance of diet at the outset of this blog, because it was clear that diet trumped genetics. I was also aware thirty years ago in my studies of passive immunity, that milk contained bifidus factor, now known to be milk oligosaccharides, that controlled the growth of Lactobacilli that in turn controlled the development of the neonate immune system. It was also known that bacteria-free mice had impaired immune systems. It still took me several years for the relationship between diet, gut flora and immunity to make sense. I began searching the literature for connections between gut flora and development of the immune system and soon noted experiments that linked filamentous bacteria with aggressive components and Clostridium spp. with Tregs. A further refinement was linking resistant starch, a soluble fiber, with Clostridium.
My Current Views are Summarized in Three Health Diagrams
Diet, Gut Flora, Inflammation, Antigen Presentation, Tregs and Autoimmunity
Protein from the body and from food don’t normally stimulate the immune system, because there in no inflammation, the proteins lack basic triplets that enhance presentation, and antibody production and aggressive T cells are suppressed by Tregs. Diet can throw the balance toward autoimmunity and allergy, by producing inflammation, e.g. hyperglycemia/AGE or high omega-6 fatty acids/prostaglandins, and starving gut flora needed for Treg production by eating processed food lacking soluble fiber. The combination of inflammation and Treg deficiency causes proteins, either self or potential allergens, which have basic triplets to be presented to the immune system and stimulates attack by the immune system.
The Cure is to Cool Inflammation and Stimulate Tregs with Diet and Bacteria
I have provided an outline with The Anti-Inflammatory Diet to avoid inflammation, to stimulate existing gut flora with soluble fiber and encourage Treg production. Mark Sisson, on Mark’s Daily Apple has provided an excellent dietary guide that also provides starch guidelines. If you already have symptoms of autoimmune disease or allergies, then Richard Nikoley provides gut flora repair advice on Free the Animal, and Dr. B G provides more details on Animal Pharm.
Autoimmunity and allergies are not genetic destiny and they can be cured with diet and bacteria.
Hi Dr Ayers:
ReplyDeleteOne thing i find puzzling is that many allergy sufferers have reduced or no symptoms as they age.
How then with unchanged diet and one that may remain inflammatory seem to experience relief?
Also, about 10% of allergy sufferers find them to worsen with age?
Any thoughts on the above and the gut role in each case?
ReplyDeleteI think it is just infections, antibiotics and aging.
Kids get sick and get antibiotics, but more importantly antibiotics wipe out gut flora and subsequent infects produce inflammation that yields antibodies to innocuous environmental antigens. That produces allergies as long as the gut flora is defective. If the gut gets recolonized and Tregs are produced again, immuno tolerance suppresses the allergies.
Age seems to simplify gut flora and produce increasing inflammation. Both increase allergy.
It seems to me to fit.
Thanks for the questions.
The diagrams in your 3 earlier posts displayed exactly the amount of information and structure which a good teacher/lecturer would talk to during the usual 45 mins of a class.
ReplyDeleteI have come to see that these your excellent blogposts are presented to us as if yoiu were talking to us.
Thank you.
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ReplyDeleteHi Dr Art: Really, you need to get this assembled into book form and get it out there. So impressive, and for me, your site has caused a completely transformational awakening into how the body works. (a lot of the terminology is over my head but I am a grinder!!)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if perhaps someday you might consider more thoroughly addressing mental health and inflammation; there is a history of suicide in my family. For so long we have all wondered what happened, why, what we could have done, etc. Now I am convinced it is all about inflammation and that we in our family may just have some unique cause of manifestation of inflammation in the brain.
Don't know if that is on your radar at all but if it is, I am really interested in connecting the dots from gut to brain to this horrible choice they made. More importantly, how many ptsd's, suicides, depressions, divorces, anger problems, criminal behaviors, abuse behaviors, etc can be traced to gut health. It is a staggering possibility that so much of the chaos in humans might be simply diet and gut health.
Keep up the great work and thank you again. This is powerful work you are doing.
John D.
Hi Raj,
ReplyDeleteI think that the actual old age program is much slower than what is normally observed leading to collapse at maybe 110 or 120. Prior to that, most of the decline in functionality, I think, is due to inflammation and damage caused by an unbalanced immune system.
Thanks for the questions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the high praise and I will try to keep explaining the world as I see it.
ReplyDeleteLinus Pauling provided some lectures when I was an undergrad at UCSD. While trying to recruit us for his high vitamin C experiments, he talked about his experience treating inmates at local mental hospitals with megadoses of multiple vitamins. He observed complete cures in more than 50% of the cases.
So, yes, I think that gut flora, through vitamin production, neurotransmitter synthesis, immunomodulation and cytokines can have a major impact on mental health. I also think that the majority of "heritable" mental illness is the result of diet and gut flora. Inflammatory cytokines are the foundation of depression and that starts withe the interaction of diet and flora in the gut.
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Dr Ayers, thank you for the all the sum up which explains and closes so much!
ReplyDeleteI hesitated with this a bit, but after this post I might dare: could you have a look at Polly Matzinger (immunologist) and her Danger Model? It might explain some missing links (versus the old model of self/non self). Easy to find info on the web, or start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polly_Matzinger
I would be very inteested in your opinion.
Dr Ayers,
ReplyDeleteI would just like to add my thanks to you for making your knowledge and ideas available on the web.
Inflammatory conditions are tricky. I was told I had Prostatitis, then non-bacterial prostatis, and now "Pelvic pain syndrome". This appears to be a way for Doctors to say, "yes , there is something wrong with you but we don't know what it is or how to treat it". One of my sypmtons is ED. Both you and Dr BG on Animal Pharm address this issue and point to the "usual suspects"...high blood pressure, overweight, lack of excersize. I can assure you both that the world isn't that straight forward: I have 13% body fat, optimal blood pressure, and get plenty of excersize. Anyway....not looking for advice just simply pointing out that the eteology of inflammatory conditions is not a one size fits all....
I really think you should consider getting your ideas and theories out in a book. I'm sure it would be very well recieved
Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteI recently found your site and am grateful for it. Your approach to health and the human body is a refreshing read in a world of pharmaceuticals, antibiotics and modern medicine blinded by greed. I myself started looking for answers to these questions about a year ago when I was diagnosed with alopecia areata which spread to alopecia totalis. I have also since developed issues with food intolerance, fatigue, poor sleep and a general lack of well being. In one of your posts you state “Many people lose species of gut flora as they change from diet to diet, eat processed foods lacking soluble fiber or use antibiotics. The loss may be permanent, but need not be. “. All along I have suspected these issues relate to an imbalance within my gut, likely from a use of antibiotics in my 20’s to treat illness whenever I got sick followed by a change to a vegetarian diet in my early 30’s, about 6 months before the autoimmune issues started. This would correlate with your findings, and it makes sense to me much more than any other approach to autoimmune disease I have found, however herein lies the concern. You are recommending a dietary change to the ‘Anti-inflammatory Diet” to cure the damage, but will this not cause a further chaos within the gut flora? I see many commenter’s posting that they are giving the dietary, probiotic and resistant starch recommendations a try, but I have not yet seen anyone respond that they are seeing positive results. I have tried other various dietary approaches and none yet have worked. If anything they have seemed to make the disease progress more rapidly. Forgive me but your last sentence in this post “Autoimmunity and allergies are not genetic destiny and they can be cured with diet and bacteria.” is a very bold statement, but it is one that also gives me hope. Please do not take offense to my comments as your scientific intellect certainly exceeds mine, however before I make a drastic change to their diet I must ask – is there proof that this will cure autoimmunity? Have you worked with any individuals whose autoimmune problems were reversed by this approach or are your recommendations at this point theoretical?
Thank you very much for your time and your dedication to science and medicine.
ReplyDeleteHave you looked at Richard, Tim and Doctor BG's Resistant Starch + probiotics protocol that Dr Ayers has linked all over the blog? I have had Prostatitis for almost 6 years, and I have been taking Potato Starch and the recommended probiotics for almost 2 months and I have been getting a little better each day. I am not 100% cured, but I am unquestionably in a better spot now then before I started.
ReplyDeleteyes, I have looked at the various blogs you mentioned. I've just bought some potato flour, some jars to do some fermented vegetables, and ordered some probiotics...and kiss the dog every now and then!
I don't have Prostatitis but some mysterious inflammatory condition. Glad to hear it has improved your symptons though.
ReplyDeleteYou might want to try 'Free the Animal'. Many people are reporting good results. But it will depend on your own gut health. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteNot Potato Four. Potato Starch. Very different.
Tom, you need potato starch, not flour for resistant starch! :-)
ReplyDeleteDr. Ayers -
ReplyDeleteI am constantly confused by your statements regarding plants. I realize the fiber is good food for our gut bugs and that we don't need a lot of plants to keep put gut bugs thriving, but you said once that the juice is not good.
Would a green veggies powder juice product be good or bad for you given your expertise?
Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteAre there any criteria by which to gauge if a person has a healthy gut bacteria? Going gluten free three years ago alleviated most of my problems but left me with severe osteoporosis and peripheral neuropathy (from malabsorption) which I would not expect anything to cure.
If I have no other problems, can I assume that my gut bacteria is doing OK?
Oops!...Yes,Potato starch!..
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ReplyDeleteAn other thought on Tregs reinforcement - increased immune tolerance - (speculative) cancer tolerance.
Defense against cancer is Innate Immunity based (NK Cells / damaged cells apoptosis) and not antibodies mediated (Adaptive Immunity) - is it right (simplified)?
Tregs play a role in antibodies control/limiting, in a selective way (allergen, auto-antigens), so Innate Immunity is not affected - makes a little sense?
I think it'd be fun to see a post of some of your favorite recipes. I'd like to know how you have fun when you eat. Just a thought! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your advice and helpful comments!
Personally I've found trying to follow a lower carb diet (as Dr Ayers suggests )incredibly hard. I'm pretty skinny and I get a lot of excersize in my daily work...I find I'm starving on a lower carb diet. To eat the amount I'd need to not feel that way would be prohibitively expensive. I've tried a couple of times but felt fatigued and broke!
I'll give it another go though!..(along with the rest of your advice).
Thanks again!
Hi Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteI am wondering what you think of this nightly regimen I put together for myself:
2-4Tbl. raw unmodified potato starch
8 oz. freshly extracted raw juice from minimally washed organic greens
1/2c. organic kim chi (or other organic fermented veggie blend)
2 caps PB8 probiotic
I mix the starch with the juice, wash down the caps with it, then eat the fermented veggies.
I do this a few hours after dinner and sleep on it.
I hope to get the soil organisms from the green juice and fermented veggies, rather than purchasing expensive supplements...?
Any thoughts are appreciated :D
It's working!! So after being on your diet for a long time (which helped me diagnose my fructose malabsorption) and then adding in potato starch and a soil based probiotic I was doing well but still had psoriasis and crazy food intolerance headaches and brain fog. I just switched probiotics to one containing Clostridium butyricum and in just a week in a half, I'm already feeling better and noticing my psoriasis getting better. It's amazing. What I"m wondering is if I discontinue the probiotic, and keep feeding my gut with resistant starch, will any of the CB actually take up residence permanently? I have enough probiotic to go a full month but I'll probably buy another bottle and then see what happens when I go off of it. Thank you so much!!!
ReplyDeleteSuper series of blog posts, Dr Ayers. As one of your long-time readers, I'm so glad you are blogging again.
ReplyDeleteI hope your readers are also catching the posts at Mr. Heisenbug: Respect the Microbiota blog. It's another "don't miss" blog pertaining to self-experimentation with one's gut biome that complements Cooling Inflammation perfectly, IMO. mrheisenbug dot wordpress dot com
In reply to Anna,
ReplyDeleteThank you for that link, very interesting discussion on RS and gut biome!
Hey Dr. Ayers!
ReplyDeleteI realize that you write this blog on your own free time and out of the kindness of your heart, but could you now take more of your time and read over my explanation of what I'm doing and comment on it, which might invite more questions from me? Everything here actually revolves around me, so I have no hesitancy about asking you to do this.
Any thoughts are appreciated :D
ReplyDeleteWhen will people learn? ...Don't go to a blog with a list of symptoms and expect to get a diagnosis and treatment plan. All of your questions/issues have been addressed in some post anyway.
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ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Art,
ReplyDeleteIn your latest post, you linked to another blog: www.freetheanimal.com, in that blog posting they mention that fermented vegetables may not be the most effective way of acquiring gut bacteria; instead they mention using soil based probiotics.
Do you have an opinion on soil based probiotics over fermented vegetables?
I have read many of your blog posts and respect your judgement.
Thank you for your time.
Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteAfter reading a few times your Health Diagram posts, some of it I understand and other parts read like Greek.
Have you ever considered doing a “Gut Bacteria for Dummies” for those of us who don’t understand Greek?
ReplyDeleteHappy 200th post.
I enjoy these and look forward to the next 200!
Does crippled gut flora via anti-biotics hinder the bodies ability to process heavy metals such as mercury and lead (e.g amalgams, high fish diet, exposure)?
Thanks a lot!
Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteI have an important question regarding the practical way of improving one's gut flora, especially when one is suffering with allergies/autoimmune conditions.
Question: if store bought fermented foods, yogurts, and probiotic supplements do not survive the digestion process and therefore do not help to repopulate the gut with good bacteria, then what is the best next step? You had mentioned a web site and book in your previous posts about fermenting vegetables, but I looked through their material and they do not specify what types of bacterial strains are used to ferment the vegetables. If they use the same lacto strains that commercial food providers use, are we not back to square 1?
Right now, very few doctors are willing to even entertain the idea of a fecal transplant if one is not suffering from an acute case of C.diff infection.
ReplyDeleteWhere in my post do you see me asking for a diagnosis or treatment plan? I only provided my background to explain how I came about this site. My questions are in regards to the validity of the research, being that is seems a number of people are making drastic dietary changes based on these recommendations. This could potentially be dangerous if there is no real evidence this dietary plan actually cures autoimmune disease. I will copy/paste my questions from above (which again have nothing to do with requesting a diagnosis or treatment plan).
"is there proof that this will cure autoimmunity? Have you worked with any individuals whose autoimmune problems were reversed by this approach or are your recommendations at this point theoretical?"
John - how about you actually read posts before responding with negativity.
Sally Leone - thank you for your response. I will refer to that website for references on other's experiences with this diet.
No questions here -- I only want to add my congratulations on your 200th post and I want to cordially thank you for your constructive and humanistic perspective on our existence.
ReplyDeleteHi Dr Ayers-
ReplyDeleteJust dropping a note to say congrats on the 200th post. I check this site religiously and I can't thank you enough for doing what you do. I've referred everyone I know to the site and the concepts within. Please, please keep it up!
Thank you for the article, very informative.
ReplyDeleteHi doc:
ReplyDeletehear you about antibiotics, but what about antihistamines and the gut? While many can work to repair issues of the gut, in the meantime, OTC antihistamines might be of benefit. Thoughts?
Dr. Ayers
ReplyDeleteI am working my way through your posts. My son was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis several years ago. He was fortunate enough to be accepted into a clinical trial testing the effect of fecal transplants on people with UC. He had six weekly treatments but unfortunately saw no improvement, one of the few participants that did not see improvement to some degree. I have come to think the reason was that he has been following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and therefore the newly-introduced bacteria starved before they could establish themselves.
SCD keeps him functional but he has not been in remission since his diagnosis 3 years ago. Can homemade fermented vegetables help to heal a gut as damaged as his?
Bacterial gut biome may guide colon cancer progression
ReplyDeleteHealthline is interested in contributing a guest post to coolinginflammation.blogspot.com. We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:
Washington Times: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/aug/10/how-healthy-choices-easy/
Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/036515_diabetes_strawberries_prevention.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
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Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
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Healthline Networks, Inc. • Connect to Better Health
660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 www.healthline.com
Hi Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog with great interest. Here is something on the role of aluminum and other adjuvants in triggering immune disease. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/new-autoimmunity-syndrome-linked-aluminum-vaccines
What do you think of this in relation to the microbiome. Are the people who show reactions the ones with damaged microbiomes (previous antibiotics? for eg.) Does this complicate the healing in your view? Kind regards.
To anonymous/Nick. Dr Ayres statement is true about reversing autoimmune disease with diet, probiotic foods, probiotics and resistant starch. I did it. I had Hashimoto's and now my antibodies levels are "normal".
ReplyDeleteThat's really good news! Can I ask how long it took before you started to notice changes in your health? I know somebody who is carefully following Dr. Ayer's tips for rheumatoid arthritis, has been doing so for about three weeks, but still not much improvement.
ReplyDeleteThere is a unique new product named Vector450 which is purified Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) from common egg yolk. Of course it's been around for 40 years but only now available at affordable prices of $35 per month. Our research is showing that it very effective at improving gut health quickly and moderating the immune system; calming down autoimmune issues. Contact me if you would like to learn more.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear this worked for you. Looking back I think my first post was a bit premature. After going through some of the other comments here and on the free the animal site it looks like this approach is working for a number of people out there. I have decided to give it a try and will report back as I see improvement. Dr. Ayers - thank you again.
Dr Ayers,
ReplyDeleteIn my spare time, I'm studying the connections between nutrition, metabolism, and endocrinology. I've never seen anyone else write about these connections before, so your blog is an exciting discovery. Your in-depth explanations are very insightful and greatly appreciated.
This part seems like a very important insight:
"I suspected that protein antigens involved in autoimmunity and allergy might be brought into cells for presentation to the immune system by interacting with HSPGs on the surface and so started to check them out for heparin binding domains. I was very skillful at picking out pairs of Ks or Rs within sequences of hundreds of amino acids by that time, so I was shocked to see that the first dozen antigens that I checked, all had a triplet of basic amino acids. I had discovered that autoantigens and allergens utilize a basic triplet analogous to the basic quartet used in nuclear translocation!"
Have you published anything about this? If not, please do! The Human Gut Biome Project needs you.
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ReplyDeleteHi doc
ReplyDeletegreat blog and many interesting and very important argument,unfotunately few doctors are interested in low chronic grade inflammation and relationship with many disease..but,some question
1) eggs,white meat,are pro inflammatory because arachidonic acid content
2)aren't saturated fat pro inflammatory?
Hi Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteWhat are your thoughts on Ezekiel bread and cereals and/or other types of sprouted grains? Also a No-No?
"Sprouting also breaks down the starch, because the seed uses the energy in the starch to fuel the sprouting process"
101 SuperFoods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation book review by Edwart. This collection of natural remedies is a holistic approach to dealing with pain! I like this book very much! Now I am sure that my family is fully protected! Recommended!
Thanks for your advice and helpful comments! To eat the amount I'd need to not feel that way would be prohibitively expensive.How to lose weight in 3 week Diet
ReplyDeleteHello Dr. Ayers,
ReplyDeleteInvaluable information on your blog. Your approach makes so much sense to me. Would it be possible to contact you directly?
Love this! Thank you!