Anti-Inflammatory Diet

All health care starts with diet. My recommendations for a healthy diet are here:
Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle.
There are over 190 articles on diet, inflammation and disease on this blog
(find topics using search [upper left] or index [lower right]), and
more articles by Prof. Ayers on Suite101 .

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr. Oz on Sweeteners: Sugar, Fructose, Insulin/Resistance, AGE, FattyLiver

I was shocked when Dr. Oz recommended a snack made with agave syrup. I had seen a previous program by America's representative of the medical industry in which he revealed the hazards of agave syrup as a new source of fructose. Now he just skipped over the use of this fructose syrup as a "natural" sweetener, even though it is even less healthy than high fructose corn syrup, HFCS. There seems to be a lot of deliberate confusion about sweeteners and since I am trained as a carbohydrate chemist, I will try to tell it as I see it.

General Information 
  • Carbohydrates are not needed in your diet, since your liver can make all the blood sugar that you need from protein. Most diabetics can benefit from a low carbohydrate diet. 
  •  Glucose, the blood sugar, is primarily responsible for turning on insulin production, so sweeteners (glucose, sucrose, HFCS, corn syrup) or dietary carbohydrates (starch, e.g. cereal, rice, pasta, potatoes, bananas) that are readily converted to glucose, cause blood insulin levels to rise. 
  •  Fructose in any form (HFCS, sucrose, agave syrup) contributes to liver damage. Fructose is the most chemically reactive sugar. 
  •  Artificial sweeteners, especially in soft drinks, do not contribute dietary calories, but they apparently increase insulin production and contribute to hunger, eating and obesity. 
  •  Insulin production removes glucose from the blood, i.e. lowers blood sugar, by increasing glucose transport into fat cells. If glucose is in your blood, but insulin is not present, e.g. type I diabetes, then you get thin. If glucose is in your blood and insulin is present, then you get fat. If you are fat and glucose is still high in the blood and insulin is present, then the fat cells will die unless they shut off the insulin response, i.e. insulin resistance. Lowering the amount of carbohydrates, sweeteners/starch, in your diet makes it easier to control blood sugar levels and avoid hunger. 
  •  Decreasing dietary carbohydrates means that calories have to be present in some other form and the answer is saturated fat. Most polyunsaturated fats, e.g. vegetable oils, except olive oil, are not healthy. The fats in meat, butter, eggs and coconut oil are the healthy choices supported by the biomedical literature, and along with vegetables, form the foundation of a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. 
Central Metabolism Started with Fructose not Glucose 
All organisms convert sugars through a common series of enzymatic steps, called central metabolism, to a simple, three-carbon compound called pyruvate. Pyruvate can be used as a source of energy in mitochondria in the presence of oxygen or converted into alcohol or acids in various forms of fermentation. No matter what sugars are used, e.g. glucose, galactose, mannose, they are all converted in cells into derivatives of fructose. Thus, fructose is common to all organisms and can be considered to be the most primitive. So why is glucose usually considered to be the the start of central metabolism and why is dietary fructose dangerous?

Fructose is too Reactive to Transport 
The first cells used fructose as the starting material to make the building block molecules of cells, e.g. carbs, proteins, fats, nucleic acids, and energy in the form of ATP. Multicellular organisms, such as animals and plants had to move sugars from cell to cell. It would be obvious to transport fructose, since all other molecules could be converted into fructose, but the problem is that fructose is too chemically reactive, i.e. it reacts with proteins to form AGE. It is for that reason that fructose is converted by cells into glucose, which is less than one tenth as chemically reactive. In plants, the reactive groups of glucose and fructose are bonded together to produce sucrose, table sugar, which is much less reactive and can be transported in plant vessels at very high concentrations.

High Blood Sugar is Bad, High Fructose is Worse (AGE-ing) 
High levels of blood sugar, glucose, react with proteins to produce advanced glycation end products, AGE. Fructose in the blood produces these inflammatory compounds more than ten times faster. That is why fructose is a bad sweetener for diabetics. Eating fructose, e.g. agave syrup or sucrose, doesn't directly raise blood sugar/glucose levels, since it raises blood fructose levels, which is worse.

Fructose Fattens Livers 
Fructose is rapidly absorbed in the intestines and transported to the liver. The blood vessels of the liver remove fructose from the blood and it is rapidly converted into fat. Fructose in sweeteners has now surpassed alcohol as the major source of liver disease.

Fructose is ten times sweeter than glucose, and that is why cheap forms of glucose, such as corn syrup, are treated with enzymes to convert some of their glucose into fructose to produce high fructose corn syrup. Corn syrup is not as sweet as pure glucose, because the syrup contains a mixture of short chains of glucose of different lengths, and the chains decrease in sweetness with length. By changing some of the glucose into fructose, the HFCS can be made as sweet as table sugar, sucrose. Corn subsidies keep corn syrup cheap and make HFCS very profitable. Unfortunately, the HFCS contains fructose and therefore it has the liver toxicity and AGE-forming inflammation of fructose.  Agave syrup is like HFCS on steroids.

Agave Syrup is Fructose 
Agave syrup contains fructose produced by industrial processing of the fructose polysaccharides, inulin, in agave extracts. I cannot understand why anyone would use this commercially processed fructose as a sweetener. It doesn't raise blood sugar as much as sucrose, because there is much more fructose than sugar (like very high fructose corn syrup) it raises blood fructose levels instead, which is much, much worse.

Sugar Makes You Hungry 
The human body can only use simple sugars, e.g. glucose, fructose, sucrose, or starch. Body enzymes convert sucrose into fructose + glucose, and starch into glucose. Other carbs, such as soluble fiber, are only digested by gut bacteria in the colon. The conversion of starches to glucose begins with enzymes in saliva in the mouth and is completed in the upper part of the digestive tract. Starch should be considered as a simple sugar, because it causes a rapid rise in blood sugar, just like glucose. It may actually be faster than table sugar. The rapid rise of blood sugar causes a rapid increase in blood insulin, which in turn rapidly removes sugar into fat cells. The rapid rise and fall of blood sugar provides the experience of hunger. That is why cereal, e.g. oat meal, in the morning produces intense hunger just a few hours later. Actually, oat meal is not quite as unhealthy as most cereals, because it also has some soluble fiber to feed gut flora. A protein and fat breakfast, e.g. bacon and eggs, does not produce rapid hunger, because it does not produce a large insulin rise and glucose fall.

Insulin Resistance is Better than Death by Glucose 
As fat cells accumulate glucose as a result of blood sugar transported into the cells in response to insulin, more and more of the glucose is converted into fructose and on to pyruvate. The pyruvate accumulates in mitochondria and ATP production is saturated. This is potentially lethal for the cells, because the conversion of pyruvate into ATP is accomplished by removing high energy electrons as the pyruvate is converted to carbon dioxide. The high energy electrons accumulate in the inner membranes of the mitochondria and if they are not systematically converted to low energy electrons and dumped onto oxygen to produce water, reactive oxygen species, ROS are produced and the result is inflammatory oxidative stress. Antioxidants would be needed to protect from major cellular and organ damage. The cells protect themselves by responding to the accumulation of high energy electrons on the mitochondria by shutting down the response to insulin and blocking further intracellular glucose accumulation. This is insulin resistance.

Carbs: Never too Low 
Dietary carbs, such as sugars and starches are not needed, because the liver can convert protein into glucose. Thus, diabetics, who have a hard time balancing their dietary intake of carbs with the insulin that they inject, can simplify the process by routinely eating less carbs spread through many meals and triggering some glucose production by the liver. Craving for carbohydrates/sweets can be dramatically reduced simply by eating fewer carbs and avoiding insulin production that can lead to more dramatic swings of blood sugars and hunger. Using this strategy, I am hungry less than once a week.

Healthfulness of Sweeteners 
 --from Most Healthy....
  • Stevia - is a diterpene glycoside (I previously made the silly error of listing it as a protein) (erythritol, another simple sugar alcohol is added to make the stevia granular) that is sweet, doesn't raise blood sugar, no insulin spike and no AGE 
  • Glucose - raises blood sugar, spikes insulin and produces AGE 
  • Xylitol - is a sugar alcohol that inhibits dental bacteria, doesn't raise blood sugar, no insulin spike or AGE 
  • Corn Syrup - raises blood sugar, spikes insulin, produces AGE, low sweetness  
  • Sucrose - raises blood sugar, spikes insulin and produces AGE, and liver damage 
  • Honey - is half fructose and half glucose, raises blood sugar, spikes insulin, produces high AGE and may damage liver  
  • Artificial Sweeteners, aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, etc. - don't raise blood sugar or produce AGE, but may have other risks, including hunger 
  • HFCS - is high fructose corn syrup, raises blood sugar and spikes insulin, produces very high AGE and causes liver damage 
  • Fructose - doesn't raise blood sugar or spike insulin, produces very high AGE and causes liver damage,  does not produce satiety and may encourage consumption of other sugars 
  • Agave Nectar - is mostly fructose, doesn't raise blood sugar or spike insulin, produces very high AGE and causes liver damage Least Healthy or Health Risk--


Anonymous said...

"--Least Healthy or Health Risk-- "

FYI, this header is misplaced.

Jana said...

what about maple syrup?

Kevin said...

Twice you made the point that 'your liver can make all the blood sugar that you need from fats'. My understanding differs. The Krebs cycle requires a small input of sugar to keep spinning. Gluconeogenesis supplies the sugar via dietary protein or muscle but not fats. Fats don't convert to sugar. Am I wrong?


Alessandro said...

What you think about Jaminet'series on Low Carb Dieting dangers?

Your advices are fabulous: only thing that do not really convince me is your Low Starch Approach.

Thanks for sharing you science.


Dr. Art Ayers said...

I was trying to rate the sweeteners from safest, stevia to most unhealthy/dangerous fructose/agave syrup.

I made some changes.

Thanks for the comment.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

Maple syrup is just sucrose with some tasty phytochemicals.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

I was sloppy and my first biochem was in plants. I will fix it.

Thanks for the helpful comments.

Anonymous said...

The "Insulin Resistance is Better than Death by Glucose" section was fascinating. With all of the low-carb books and blogs I've read, I can't believe I haven't seen this before. I definitely need to start reading your blog more.

Kevin mentioned posts about "your liver can make all the blood sugar that you need from fats." Could somebody please point me to these posts?

Anne said...

You said, "Stevia - is a protein that is sweet, doesn't raise blood sugar, no insulin spike and no AGE Glucose - raises blood sugar, spikes insulin and produces AGE"

Are you saying stevia does both?

Anonymous said...

The enzymatic pathway for converting dietary carbohydrate (CHO) into fat, or de novo lipogenesis (DNL), is present in humans, whereas the capacity to convert fats into CHO does not exist

Any comments?


Anonymous said...

"The human body can only use simple sugars, e.g. glucose, fructose, sucrose, or starch"

converting protein to glucose would be a dirtier form of digestion as it would involve removal of nitrogen there after its dangerous fermentation by products need some comment from you.

Fat certainly but why risk the protein fermentation?


Nigel Kinbrum said...

"Carbohydrates are not needed in your diet, since your liver can make all the blood sugar that you need..."

True, but see How eating sugar & starch can lower your insulin needs.

Anonymous said...

protein generated insulin response disproportionately higher than its glycemic index. on par with refined bakery goods!!

any comments?

- Jake

majkinetor said...

The enzymatic pathway for converting dietary carbohydrate (CHO) into fat, or de novo lipogenesis (DNL), is present in humans, whereas the capacity to convert fats into CHO does not exist
Now its well known that fat provides glycerol to GNG and the more you are into ketogenic diet the more sugar substrates are provided by fat.

protein generated insulin response disproportionately higher than its glycemic index. on par with refined bakery goods!!
While that may be like that, since glucose levels after protein rich foods are at the lowest in the table 4, insulin can't make intracelular sugar concentration much higher (like it would with carb posprandial sugar surge), so this mostly means that more amino acids will enter the cell which is a good thing.

See also my comment on Whole Health Source:

Anonymous said...


glucose levels are at their lowest because protein induces a sympathetic nervous system response which is best avoided because besides a drop in glucose levels it comes with all the stress hormones like cortisol etc.

i dont think ketogenic diet is practical or natural or desirable.

Alberto said...

Does this mean that fruit, which contains fructose, is also inflammatory and should be avoided?

Fred Hahn said...

Oz is a hack. He could care less about people and their lives.

J said...

I'm so confused about all of this. I think I understand the theory (I've also been readings about the GAPS diet) but it's just that when I go really low carb I feel awful.

My blood sugar is fine but I have GERD, Hashimoto's and fructose malabsorption. I've been using Dextrose (Glucose) as a sweetener as it doesn't contain fructose but after reading this article it seems that might be a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

But what of cultures that ate very large amounts of starch in their diet such as the Okinawan with their sweet potato.

Also could you make another list for carbohydrates such as sweet potato, potato, rice, what etc for their effects on the body?


Javeux said...


Great blog. I've only been following for a couple of weeks, but I've read a lot of old posts and feel like I've learnt a lot. Keep up the good work!

I'd be interested in your take on Jaminet's ideas (as Alessandro mentioned) too. He says glucose is needed for fighting infections (particularly fungal), and a lack of it causes mucous deficiency, among other things. I wonder if the higher fasting blood glucose levels present in VLC dieters would be also a problem in cases of infection.

I'm not sure what your percentages/rough amounts would be actually. Would you recommend more or less than 50g carbs/day? Do you have any issues with ketosis?

Thanks for all the great posts!

Tom said...

"The fats in meat, butter, eggs and coconut oil are the healthy choices supported by the biomedical literature, and along with vegetables, form the foundation of a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet."

Dr. Ayers - just a quick sycophantic "thank you" for your plain English summaries of these topics, it's easy reading and yours is rapidly becoming my go-to blog when I have a few minutes in which to learn something. Really appreciate it, please do keep going.

J - my understanding is that, whilst avoiding sugar (and all things destined to become "sugar") is the best policy with diet, if you ARE going to want to impart some sweetness in your food (and we have to enjoy life sometimes), it's probably best just to use a modest amount of pure glucose, rather than trying to cheat using fructose which ends up giving you a fatty liver, or artificial sweeteners which potentially have all sorts of drawbacks.

Use sugar, just don't use it much or often. If you have fructose malabsorption syndrome, even more reason to use dextrose over sucrose (table sugar).

I think the jury is out on stevia; it seems like a good option, but lack of data makes me wary about regular consumption. That said, I do use a blend of sucrose and stevia in small amounts to sweeten iced coffees (made with lots of heavy cream!)

Tom said...

A question actually, for Dr. Ayers or anyone else: although reducing inflammation is suggested to be a positive thing regarding cancer risk, those who are on long-term immunosuppressant therapy (i.e. for a kidney transplant) are susceptible to certain malignancies.

We seem to have established that it's relatively easy to be the wrong side of "anti-inflammation" and stray into immunosupression - will this not also make us more susceptible to cancers which would otherwise be nipped in the blood by our immune systems? Is this one of those "choose your mode of death" situations?!

Andrew F said...

Why is xylitol less healthy than glucose?

majkinetor said...

i dont think ketogenic diet is practical or natural or desirable
How do you explain then that while you are fasting your body is in ketosis, and when you are under caloric restriction you achieve life extension and other benefits. All this happens under ketosis.

Anonymous said...


Calorie restriction is not ketosis necessarily and doesn't fast everyday.

Anonymous said...


This is an interesting article. I do however have some issues with the ranking list of sweeteners ... and more specific by sugar (sucrose) and honey. I'd like to see them swapped since sucrose is "just" fructose + glucose, but honey also usually has som beneficial stuff left...

Asim said...

Doesn't the body get rid of AGEs in the bloodstream rather rapidly?

The implication being, isn't really the issue that of tissue levels versus blood plasma levels...

Guy said...

Thanks for a great article!

It is very interesting to learn about Fructose reactivity - and lack thereof in sucrose, even if no current data shows HFCS to be any worse (but just as unhealthy as sucrose).

Although the conclusion seems similar, I am wondering if this description of the way the body uses the fructose is compatible with the article by Dr. Lustig here:

Here is a quote: "Hepatic Fructose Metabolism and the MetS
The liver is the only organ possessing the Glut5 fructose transporter and is solely responsible for fructose metabolism (49)."
"49. Douard V, Ferraris RP 2008 Regulation of the fructose trans- porter Glut5 in health and disease. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 295:E227-E237."

majkinetor said...

The liver is the only organ possessing the Glut5 fructose transporter
This is clearly not true - for one, intestinal cells obviously do have it, spermatozoa have it etc...


Calorie restriction is not ketosis necessarily and doesn't fast everyday
Not necessarily - if you eat 1800 cal of carbs per day you will definitively be under CR and not in the ketosis :)
But fasting is necessarily and ketogenic and ketogenic diet is considered the best aproximation to fasting.

Anonymous said...

1.thats right
2. fasting is not necessarily ketogenic, high in fat yes possible but not ketogenic.

Marlene said...

Thank you, Art -- I had no idea that Agave was a highly processed substance -- I guess I thought it was just somehow squeezed from the cactus and poured into a handy bottle.

Your information about the impact of different types of sugars on liver function makes so much sense. You write about the chemistry in a way that even I can understand it. What I really take away, for me, is to eliminate all sugars!

AdamR said...


Any benefit to agave that is raw over the processed?


Bill said...

agave is HFCS's evil stepmother

Adam said...

Is it possible to read once about this whole topic in the spot light of athletes ? I mean athletes, who daily train hard, long, compete, etc.
How does these mechanizms differ in the case of those? If it differs ata ll?
As for some high performance trainings/races seems impossible to be done without carbs. Also how about muscle stores refillments?

What type of carbs the millet is?

Excuse me my english, hope was not misunderstandable... thoughts related to these question would be highly appretiated, and huge thanx for the article itself, ironed a lot of questions already.


Anonymous said...

adam stay the heck away from all blogs on the lines of low carb if you're an athlete.

don't even think about all this. treat it as non existent.


Kevin Krautsack said...


You cannot produce krebs intermediates from lipids/fatty acids. You can however produce them from "fats". The glycerol component of triglycerides can be converted.

luminsmith said...

Most inflammation is a necessary part of the body's defence mechanism and helps to protect us from illness and disease. Here are some of the symptoms and how to find the best natural cure. Inflammation symptoms

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ayers,

Thanks especially for the part on
"Insulin resistance is better than death by glucose" So much I read about fats say they are no good for diabetics because they make us insulin resistant. I always could see how fats were a protection for the brain. Insulin resistance is really a protection. So the best we can do for our body and brain in general is go very low carb.

I do think some inflammation is the body healing itself, and the bacteria creating the inflammation/infections, are helping it heal.

I have been on a strict ketogenic diet for over 3 years, with the only sweetener, unprocessed green leaf stevia, on rare occasions.

Anonymous said...

Another question to the pool. Is there only one model of inflammation? To my poor understanding, acute bacterial or viral inflammation is different from the chronic, feverless and aging related inflammation. Acute one shows ESR, fever (interferon), swelling, reddening, and is the result of adaptive immunity at work. Meanwhile the chronic systemic inflammation is reflected in high levels of interleukins, TNF, higher blood acidity (which can be induced with all these starches and sugars), autoimmune reactions? We get old or get cancer from the second one, when the immune system is failing to clear them,such as after a prolonged inflammation.

Considering the fact that only ESR is measured to check for inflammation in standard medicine, what blood tests would you do to prove that the person is 'inflamed'? (and here it is more for the doctors, as the patient can feel it through the variety of symptoms).

Thanks for educating us, it is extremely important that this knowledge comes personally, in the ages of internet as a information wasteland.

(a sjoggie who is less inflamed with fish oil and turmeric supplements, but I did not eliminate starchy carbs, as I am seriously underweight)

Puddleg said...

I've just discovered your blog and I intend to read every entry. You're not wrong, that's easy to see.

I wrote a couple of posts on fructose a while back; didn't even get into the AGE thing, but it's early days.
in the context of chronic viral hepatitis.
The advice I see here so far seems to totally match my own findings.
(HepatITIS, it's inflammation), and any critique of my Hep C hypothesis is welcome.

Judy said...

I have seen lectures and read much convincing evidence about endogenous production of AGEs from fructose... Particularly HFCS.... I feel that it is OK to have some whole fruit in the diet due to reduction of AGE by fiber and benefit of other nutrients.....
Have you looked into the subject of exogenous AGEs? I am concerned that people who get on a no carb kick may end up loosing out on many great sources of healthy nutrients and getting their AGEs from protein sources.... Here is one article from ADA website ( there are more) ..".Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet"

Anonymous said...

Where would you place the chicory root based sweeteners SWERVE and Just LIke Sugar or Just Like Brown Sugar on your list? Thanks;)

Anonymous said...

I need to to thank you for this wonderful read!
I certainly enjoyed every bit of it. I have got you book

Inflammation Symptoms

Unknown said...

Good info about agave. But your take on animal fats is way off: see "Fats and Cholesterol: out with the bad, in with the good," Harvard School of Public Health [ ].

Ricky Goodall said...

This is a great article, nice to see some science to back up claims.

I think that for the average person the "no-carb" approach is definitely a great route. I'm a Sports Nutrition Coach and the majority of my clients are MMA fighters (including myself), fitness competitors, elite athletes, etc and I think nutrient timing is much more effective and applicable then the no-carb rule. For extreme training (ie. 5 days a week 2 times a day) I think proper carbs post-workout with high fats and proteins pre-workout (with sufficient digestion time) will reduce insulin resistance while also melting fat and promoting recovery.

Just my two cents!

Anonymous said...

Great site! Since you talk about Dr. Oz a lot, here is a link about two of his shows:
Here he talks about the Nopal Cactus for diabetics, inflammation, etc. If you want to know more please go to This stuff works. I know it has helped me in a lot of ways. I am diabetic along with my whole family. Plus I have inflammation for RA. Again, this stuff works.

J.A. Wildeman said...

Thanks for the great discussion of glucose vs fructose. I've had associates who have just treated me like an idiot because I prefer to use a mixture of stevia & regular sugar in my baking (in small amts) instead of switching over to the "much better agave." SO much documentation on the dangers of fructose...including agave!

BlockBuster said...

Excellent article. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder, why so many comments about sugar, particularly by women, concerned about fruit, agave, maple syrup? I'm a woman and I never experience sugar cravings, for fruit, chocolate or syrups...even sweet potatoes. I am genuinely puzzled as to why people crave sweets, part. women. And also, fruit is compose of fructose and glucose, which together make sucrose, which everyone knows is just plain table sugar...who would want to eat fruit? Protein, fat, vegetables, nuts, seeds and a tbsp of wild rice every now and then, are all I seem to need.

Dinocharge said...

How about erythritol?

Unknown said...

How about Erythritol?
I buy Stevita, claimed to be "spoonable Stevia", here is the description from the container "stevia extract with at least 95% pure glycosides and erythritol, a crystal granulated naturally produced filler found in fruits, vegetables and grains".
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The list from healthiest to least:


If Xylitol "inhibits dental bacteria, doesn't raise blood sugar, no insulin spike or AGE" but Glucose "raises blood sugar, spikes insulin and produces AGE"

shouldn't Xylitol be just under Stevia?

Anonymous said...

You must be off your nut. Everyone wants to eat fruit, that's who. Fruit is delicious and is full of healthful phytochemicals. It shouldn't be the primary feature in your diet, but a couple of fruits a day is healthy and fine. It's when we dump concentrates down our throat that these issues arise.

Anonymous said...

This article is absolutely riddled with mistakes.

Glucose is synthesised from protein via gluconeogenesis. It cannot be made from fat.

Stevia is ERYTHRITOL. It is a non-nutritive polyol that is excreted via urine. It contains zero protein.

Anonymous said...

Its a footer, not a header, thus wrapping the content block.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! After reading the article/information and all the comments, I'm even MORE confused then I was before. I have no idea what alternate sweetner is best to use. I guess Stevia? I am type II diabetic and over weight. Although I recent altered the way I eat and lost some weight. I was guilty of drinking and eating some sweet juice, such as that DAMN Trader Joe's Mango Juice, which is like fricking crack to me. I was addicted to the stuff. It's organic and made with organic sugar, but sugar nonetheless. I also like to have licorice, and sometimes I do eat sweet cereals with milk. I actually don't drink much milk, only with cereal sometimes. My stove/oven went out about 2 or 3 months ago, so I was having to microwave frozen food dinners, but I'm a lousy cook anyway, so nothing I make ever tastes good at all.

The Mango juice that was spiking my glucose levels way too high, so I had to give it up and have been drinking water ever since, but that gets boring. This juice was the only sweet stuff I was ingesting, with the exception of some cereal, milk, tortilla corn chips, Lay's baked chips, and some licorice sometimes. I don't eat a lot of sugary stuff very often and since giving up the Mango juice, which was a huge soruce of too much sugar, my glucose levels dropped. However, I have to use insulin and my levels kind of spike and then go lower, so they are not stablized just yet. I guess it will take a little time to correct my bad habits, lower and stablize my glucose levels.

I HATE having to take insulin and I'm going to do whatever I have to, to NOT be dependent on it. I was 300 pounds, but now I'm at 243. The thing is I don't know how to cook. Everything I make comes out really lousy. I am just not a very good cook. I have other related problems as a result of my obesity and diabetes, which is why I made changes. I want to know what I CAN eat and drink, rather then what I CAN'T eat and drink for the best results in helping me lose weight and getting my glucose levels down to normal. I know enough to cut out all the processed, sugary, and chemical stuff. So if anyone had any tips or helpful information that they can offer from personal experience, I would sincerely appreciate it. I'm new to this, so any help with controlling and stablizing my glucose levels would especially be appreciated.

Thank you


I truly appreciate this blog.
Thanks Again. Keep writing.
"Wow, great article. Fantastic.
try napolea cactus juice
(antiflametory and antiosident)juice

dwayne said...

Its always interesting how a sweetener goes from healthy to - not so healthy. We were just using Agave, thinking that it is a better low glycemic alternative to honey or table sugar.

Joseph Rowe said...

I find this chemist's entry to be very eccentric and totally at odds with the findings of real experts on medical nutrition, such as Dr. Andrew Weil on this site, you'll find refutations of most of the claims, especially the outrageous one about meat being anti-inflammatory!

Unknown said...

Hey, have you heard about SR FINE CHEMICALS. It's a very good chemicals company.I had taken chemicals from this company and i found best results.
You should also try the products of this company.

Unknown said...

Hey, interesting that is human body can only use simple sugar like as glucose, fructose and many more but all these sugars make by use of Sugar Processing Chemicals.
I have used these chemicals for effective and better sugar products.

Unknown said...

Nice information its very helpful to us, here I see another website of natural therapy natural therapy.

Unknown said...

Sweetener are used as a substitute of normal sugar which not only helps to control sugar level but, this sweetener can easily be consumed.I recently came across a site named Cid botanicals who is providing the service of sweetener in different flavors.
Sugar Alternatives At CB Store

Anonymous said...

What about organic brown rice syrup? It has been said this sweetener doesn't raise insulin levels. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

What about organic brown rice syrup? It has been said this sweetener doesn't raise insulin levels. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

What about organic brown rice syrup? It has been said this sweetener doesn't raise insulin levels. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

What about organic brown rice syrup? It has been said this sweetener doesn't raise insulin levels. Is this true?

Unknown said...

What about organic brown rice syrup? It has been said this sweetener doesn't raise insulin levels. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

•Carbohydrates are not needed in your diet, since your liver can make all the blood sugar that you need from protein. Most diabetics can benefit from a low carbohydrate diet.

This is a horribly wrong statement... Seriously you shouldn't be posting this stuff...

This blog is a joke...

Anonymous said...

"glucose from protein:" — Burning (on average) 1200 kilojoules a DAY in exercise while training (as per professional watt meter on bicycle accurate to 1), it seems beyond ridiculous to suggest that my body can make up that deficit by converting protein to blood sugar (eg eat no carbs) unless I want to destroy large amounts of muscle tissue in the process, even if I get 85% of my energy from fat (aerobic) energy.

Just don't eat carbs and there is not much in the muscles the next day And how is the loss of all that muscle protein repaired? My aerobic (fat burning) adaptation is probably the top 0.01 percentile, but that's base or steady state power, not for hard efforts. Gotta have glucose and under high intensity training, it has to be there (anaerobic). So to make such a statement shows a serious ignorance of the needs of an athlete, at the least. Not to mention the increasing muscle loss and damage by training a body to eat its own muscle, and the fact that the liver is very SLOW at converting protein to glucose. I burn 700 to 1100 kilojoules per hour (700 is just easy riding).

Before making such unqualified comments, train and ride 5 double centuries in a year. at ~210 watts average for 10 to 15 hours with up to 21,000' of climbing (that's about 8000 calories for one such event), and then discuss how well you did without carbs (I use maltodextrin mainly) While much of the burn is fat (has to be for such long events), without glucose, the body is going to go with whatever it can get, and guess what—eat muscle tissue as fast as it can—but the liver is not going to convert protein anywhere near fast enough at 700-800 kilojoules per hour burn, let alone 1100 Kj/hour for a hard climb. And then you'll bonk (brain shuts down from no glucose) and then maybe crash.

Dr. Art Ayers said...

Anonymous on conversion of protein to glucose.

The major point I am making is a generalization that is in contrast to the prevalent generalization that large amounts of carbohydrate are essential even for diabetics. I merely say that for everyday life, that doesn't include competitive athletics, carbohydrates need not be part of the diet.

Your body can make enough glucose from protein to make insulin injections for diabetics much less arduous. Life is easier without the imperative to eat sugar and starch.

I agree that the glucose production from the liver is limited, but I contend that the limit is above normal use.

I also think that low carb diets should always contain enough prebiotic soluble fiber to feed the gut microbiota that control immune system development.

Thanks for reading enough to make sure I don't make big mistakes.

KaSHealthCoach said...

and maybe Adam, don't watch the movie called Cereal Killers or the other one called "Run on Fat". because you just may end up with more questions.

Anonymous said...

Been a Herps is just like been through hell; well special thanks to God almighty
for using DR. EZIKE the greatest spell caster in curing my Herps disease. I was
diagnosed of this disease in the year 2008. Thou I was taking my medications buy
I was not myself. Until last two weeks. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many test
imonies on how a spell caster cured people Herp disease. Thou I never believe in
spell, I said to myself "seen is believing" I took his name and searched it on
GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied his
email I emailed him, he gave me a form to
fill which I did, then he called me and told me that his gods required some items
in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me. And di told him to get the
listed items needed to prepare my cure because by then i have little faith in him,
few hours later he called me and told me he is through preparing the cure. so he
send it to me I got my parcel, it was a herbal cure as described by DR. EZIKE.
I took the herbal cure and after taking it for a week and some days. He told me
to go for check up, I went to the hospital and had a test,and i was cured. Quickly
I called him and tell him what happened he congratulated me. I promise to tell
the world about him. You can contact via email

Anonymous said...

Been a diabetes is just like been through hell; well special thanks to God almighty
for using DR. OBOITE the greatest spell caster in curing my diabetes disease. I was
diagnosed of this disease in the year 2008. Thou I was taking my medications buy
I was not myself. Until last two weeks. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many test
imonies on how a spell caster cured people diabetes snick . Thou I never believe in
spell, I said to myself "seen is believing" I took his name and searched it on
GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied his
email I emailed him, he gave me a form to
fill which I did, then he called me and told me that his gods required some items
in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me. And di told him to get the
listed items needed to prepare my cure because by then i have little faith in him,
few hours later he called me and told me he is through preparing the cure. so he
send it to me I got my parcel, it was a herbal cure as described by DR. OBOITE.
I took the herbal cure and after taking it for a week and some days. He told me
to go for check up, I went to the hospital and had a test,and i was cured. Quickly
I called him and tell him what happened he congratulated me. I promise to tell
the world about him. You can contact via email

Unknown said...

I am here to give my testimony about Dr Aleka who helped me in my life, i want to inform the public how i was cured from (PSORIASIS DISEASE) by Dr Aleka, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on PSORIASIS and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Aleka cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for PSORIASIS that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Aleka herbal spell cure of all kinds of sickness you may have.Remember delay in treatment leads to death email him @ {} Robert Maggie from USA

Unknown said...

People suffering from Diabetes should not consume sugar in any way. They are restricted to consume potatoes, rice, and fruits like Banana. Their life becomes nothing less than a hell. Check out various remedies which claim to cure diabetes in a natural way. Pure Acai Berry Juice and Noni Juice are best for diabetes.

Anonymous said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me....My name is Abey Kelly ... My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our two kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa dodo who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Erica,she testified about how papa dodo brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa dodo e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa dodo is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa dodo today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: or via+2348054680554 Thank you great PAPA DODO

Anonymous said...

with more information? It is extremely helpful for me.

Natural Treatment for Diabetes

Dr Purva Pius said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.


1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..

Email Kindly Contact:

Unknown said...

I am very happy today to share my testimony on how a herbal doctor cure me from LUPUS. I was infected with LUPUS, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking on how to get a solution out so that my body can be restore again. i found an article about one doctor who already help a lady with his herbal medicine. then i contacted him. He told me all the things I need to do, and he send the herbal medicine to me here in my country to take, I followed the instruction properly on how to take it. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks the LUPUS that was in my body got vanished . so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, you can also email him at or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

Douglas adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Douglas adam said...

nice would be great if you provide more information.
Dextrose and Sucrose

clad hagel said...

Am Latif, all thanks to Almighty Allah who used Dr Aziz to cure me of
hepatitis B virus. I was deported from Dubai because of this sickness,
I almost spent all I had, until I saw Dr Aziz recommendations and
testimonies online, on how he has cured several people of chronic
hepatitis B, and I decided to contact him, and he administered his
herbal medication on me, and I became healed within a period of two
months. In case you wants to contact him for a similar problem, or all
other disease, you can reach him through +2347089275769/ whatsap +221705920450 or email:

clad hagel said...

Am Latif, all thanks to Almighty Allah who used Dr Aziz to cure me of
hepatitis B virus. I was deported from Dubai because of this sickness,
I almost spent all I had, until I saw Dr Aziz recommendations and
testimonies online, on how he has cured several people of chronic
hepatitis B, and I decided to contact him, and he administered his
herbal medication on me, and I became healed within a period of two
months. In case you wants to contact him for a similar problem, or all
other disease, you can reach him through +2347089275769/ whatsap +221705920450 or email:

Hanna Rosin said...

HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B

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